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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  What goes around, comes around [Bruise]
    Today the vampress is set on traveling to her birthplace.  She had yet to come back to the forest of redwoods, not because she can't but because she doesn't care.  Memories are hazed of that day, and why shouldn't they be, she had been a newborn foal looking over the corpse of her mother.  Some children would have wept at their dead parents body but not her.  Slated eyes looked upon the motionless carcess with no feeling of remorse.  Maybe at the time she had not realized her part in the death, or perhaps she truly did and nothing would change the outcome, so why dwell...

    Solace had brought her to live in Hyaline but something about the kingdom caused her skin to crawl.  There was too much peace, deafening quiet that even supernatural hearing could not escape.  She needed noise and so she set out to find it.  Arriving first in Loess under the darkness of night.  Her run in with their ruler had been otherwise entertaining but she wasn't in search of a quick guessing game.  There were things to be done, deals to be dealt, and she had no time for childish antics.  So when finally the cheshire and the blood sucker part ways, her journey continues...

    Luckily she finds herself draped I shadows of first Sylva.  A land she has not yet explored but her travels were meant for another place.  One that was her beginning.  Taiga is riddled with coverage from above, shielding her from the UV rays that threatened to destroy her each day.  The dark shaded sienna of her coat blended easily with the shadows of the forest and even with accelerated speed, she chose a leisurely stroll this day.  Sharp vision and keen hearing picked up each rattle of leaf and scatter of mice.  Pearled fangs begin to drip with anticipation, on if she will find something to feed upon in these woodlands.  A forest critter would suffice but she enjoyed much larger prey...

    Twisting along an untraveled path, her lithe body slips between the close confines of tree.  Ebony whips dance tauntingly at her hocks as she moves along.  Senses ever alert to the presence that is lurking about her.  It watches her every move and she can nearly anticipate its next.  A devilish grin creeps upon her lips as she allows the onlooker to make themselves known.  Remaining to pretend her oblivion of its existence... 
    -What goes around,
    comes around-

    Be Warned:
    She exhibits Compulsion and 
    will try to use it to get info
    or whatever she is needing.
    PM me with ?'s or concerns!


    Messages In This Thread
    What goes around, comes around [Bruise] - by Kaurma - 08-21-2018, 12:29 PM

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