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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and the fear starts setting in slow; lucrezia

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water

    It lingers within the confined dark forest that is pushed off to the side of the meadow. The trees that stand so closer together, rise up together, stretching out their hands for something, whether it may be the gods (to give them redemption) or out of curiosity (to just see how far they can carry themselves up further than any other). A faint autumn fog intertwines itself through the trees. There is an eeriness among the forest as it is nothing but still—nothing here seems to live it feels like. It is almost a frightening place, the silence that fills these woods, but it does not compare to the home she once knew.

    She remembers the cold and darkness. it once was a distant memory, tucked far away, never wanting the memory to resurface to her thoughts again. However, here in the middle of the forest, where she stands, the memories come flooding back and shake her whole core like an earthquake. She trembles within, but she holds herself physically still. These trees remind her of the ancient giants that she had once been surrounded by. The stillness of the shadows and the quietness of the land only brings her heartache. Home, she thinks. Yet, this place was not her home. This was not the kingdom she knew, not the Chamber she remembered. This was a quiet little forest, nothing compared to the giant giants of the Chamber.

    Then again her homes have long since changed overtime. Before the Reckoning she had called her home within the sandy dunes. A place where she once had thought she could never have lived, but within time she had found a family and bonds that would last beyond a lifetime. Now Tephra is her home—recently returned to the ash and sulphur volcanic land. Lucrezia had never thought it possible to return to a place she had found refuge in after the Reckoning, especially after she had fled like she always has from her positions that give her responsibilities.

    Yet, the weight of the crown had weighted heavy upon her head. Lucrezia can still feel the weight of it upon her crown now. The memory of that day replays over in her head constantly when she drifts back into the past she tries to shield herself away from. Magnus had given her a responsibility, but she had failed him, and everyone else that had relied upon her. How foolish could she have been to let them all down? She had been molded and transformed to be a ruler—the necessary skills and tools were at her disposals. But still she could not accept wearing the crown.

    Lucrezia doesn’t quiet recall the feeling of the crispy autumn cold against her multicolored skin or the way it sends a chill down her spin. The peafowl winged-mare sighs, a small fog rising quickly from her mouth into the grey sky. She has lost track of where she has gone within the forest. Nowadays she loses track of her time and place when she dives deep into the darkness of her mind, clouding her mind of distant memories and thoughts.

    The smell of another fills her nostrils—a musty scent. It is fresh and sharp. Her nutmeg eyes trace across the autumn forest, and inhales the scent again. It does not bother her despite what the season might be, instead it fills her with curiosity. Lucrezia has always had a heart for adventure, but it is often the essence of darkness that draws her in even more.

    He appears within moments—the musty scent she had just noticed seconds ago. A face of a gentle stranger is masked across his buckskin face. A pleasant smile that no one could deny to be more friendly than anything in the world cannot be missed also covers his face. It almost seems too perfect, the way the stranger comes out, already seeking her out like a predator.

    Is she the prey?

    Lucrezia shakes her head, realizing she has allowed herself to be caught up in his devilishly handsome face and kind smile. Her nutmeg eyes studying him carefully as he comes closer—hesitant and shy, as if she is the predator now. But there is something more beneath the mask he wears now. Something behind his other features—the cloven hooves and goat horns—that reminds her of a faint memory of what seemed so long ago.

    “Hello,” she greets back with a soft, kind smile, “We are in Beqanna.” She allows herself to overlook the stallion as she speaks, looking for any signs to trigger her memory even further. Lucrezia could find nothing, only the faintest of the memory still remained the same when she looked at his goat horns and cloven hooves. Perhaps she had been wrong. “Are you new here?” She asks with a curious tilt of her head, nutmeg eyes holding onto his own gaze. Lucrezia cannot help but wonder but she keeps her thoughts on the matter silent for now until she finds it necessary to play her cards right. She has not forgotten how to play the game.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here

    @[bruise] I have no idea where I went with the length of this post lol
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    RE: and the fear starts setting in slow; lucrezia - by Lucrezia - 08-19-2018, 12:06 AM

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