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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    And you know I'm loaded [branka]
    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tinos' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style type="text/css">.blackbg{background-color:#000; width:430px; text-align:center; border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px;}.sun{font-family:'tinos', san-serif; font-size:24px; text-transform:uppercase; color:#ffffcc; line-height:130%;}.rising{font-family:times; font-size:10px; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:justify; color:#ffffcc; max-height:60px; overflow:hidden; line-height:100%; text-align:center;}.facing{ font-family:arial; font-size:11px; color:#ffff94; text-align: justify; min-height:100px; padding:10px;}.facing:first-letter{font-family:'raleway', san-serif; font-size:28px; text-transform:uppercase; color:#e6e65c; line-height:130%; float:left; padding-right:10px;}.noties{font-family:times; font-size:9px; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:center; color:#ffffcc; letter-spacing:1px; overflow:hidden;}</style>
    <div class="blackbg"><div style="padding:0px"><img src="http://33.media.tumblr.com/afc8a8d340f30609d5ca3c04b2c74a60/tumblr_n9mj30hD1r1rc7zl1o10_400.gif" width="430px" style="border-radius:50px 50px 0px 0px">
    <div class="sun">
    I Come Alive
    </div><div class="rising">
    Beg forgiveness,
    With some words that mean nothing,
    Illusions like smoke in my breath.
    <div class="facing">
    Branka was not afraid of losing this battle. All it did was determine a desperately needed pecking order in the herd. They all knew that Ghoest was at the bottom, but without a lead mare it led to these foolish battles. That and perhaps a callous tongue. Branka was not really one for feeling remorse but she did feel poorly for Killgore's loss. The loss of a foal was a blow against the herd as a whole as well as being emotionally crippling for the mother. They had at least two children running around, Frakytr and Ghoest's brat, but there should have been another. The buckskin was certain that once this bit of unpleasantness was behind them Killgore would see how ridiculous it was for them to be fighting and they would be able to focus on raising Khaos' children.

    Killgore's bellows for her to take back her harsh words fell on stubborn, prideful ears. "I will not. Unless you stop your childish tantrum", Branka snaps back. She is standing near Killgore's hind end, but moves quickly to the side when she feels the whiff of air from a kick that didn't connect. They are both bloodied and growing weak from their physical excursion, but Branka was not one to quit so easily. She would not be beaten by, in her eyes, the sniveling whelp that snapped at her. Branka wanted them to be, if not friends, at least comrades. After all, they were stuck living here together under Khaos' deliciously sadistic rule.

    She takes a quick step to the side, wary of flailing hooves, and rears up in another display of dominance. Harsh screams of triumph rip through her throat to match Killgore's bellows of pain, and Branka lunges forward to take a bite of Killgore's neck, her forehooves heavily hitting the ground near Killgore's shoulder. She knows the battle is over so it is more of a nip of chastisement but still could be enough to break the dark skin of her opponent. Once done she takes several steps back, her own sides heaving in time with her sister-wife's. "Killgore, I am sorry for my callous words, but don't you see? We are on the same side, and you need to stand strong. For Khaos if not for yourself."
    <div class="rising">
    I come alive when I'm falling down
    </div><br><div class="noties">
    Branka | Warlander | Dapple Buckskin | Mare
    </div> </div></div></center>
    (ooc: I think this is it right? Do you want me to start a thread to Killgore in silver cove or continue from our old one?)

    Messages In This Thread
    And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Killgore - 07-10-2015, 10:02 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Branka - 07-10-2015, 10:16 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Branka - 07-14-2015, 11:42 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Call - 07-16-2015, 09:00 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Branka - 07-21-2015, 05:56 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Call - 07-21-2015, 07:32 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Kyra - 07-21-2015, 10:26 AM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Kyra - 07-21-2015, 12:01 PM
    RE: And you know I'm loaded [branka] - by Call - 07-22-2015, 08:45 AM

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