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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    life's a game made for everyone[ any;desert competition]

    He watches her, amber gaze hanging on her intently, though not rudely. Nor in a perverse sense, simply taking in all that she was.  The curve of her chassis, a never ending darkness encasing her form. The angle of her regal dial, he thought it was the ideal confirmation. Her slender but toned limbs, no doubt chiseled from strolling through the sands. However, his admiration is clipped to a halt as Camrynn begins to speak, and he is reminded that he has not given his name. (Not that she needed him to) ”I do beg pardon, I am Weir from the Dale.” He dips his head, a universal acknowledgement.

    Her smooth voice fills his ears, a polite but true answer to give him, though he notes the ‘we.’ That reminds him, he had heard there were two mares ruling this Kingdom in the sands. One was obviously not present at this particular meeting, though Weir could not say he was disappointed. As far as Beqanna’s finest, that remained to be seen, though he had witnessed a few tricks himself already. It was the ones who were not quick to make a display of themselves that intrigued Weir. Those would likely be the ones he would pursue conversation with, though he would rather speak to each one of them if he could. Empty cups needed filling, and he found himself with an exhausting amount of dry cups.”Ah, of course. I did hear mention that two Queens ruled over these lands.  I am quite curious to see what skills the others possess.” His response was light, conversational, his russet ears flicked in the calm breeze.

    Her next vocals bring questions to his auds, and he was not the sort to dislike them. He enjoyed them even, very much so, questions were for learning. ”The Deserts are, mmm.”He seemed to contemplate the question, mull it over in his mind. ”Quite hot and dry, as are most. However, I was so lucky the wind kicked up a bit when it did, most refreshing. I had a thought to turn and abandon this quest. Someone’s got their head on around here though, most astute to provide the comfort.” He took a moment to regard the groups of others, the nearby surroundings including the black Queen herself, before continuing. ”I find it most beautiful.”

    Eclectic Vagabond of the Dale

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    RE: life's a game made for everyone[ any;desert competition] - by Weir - 07-20-2015, 12:02 PM

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