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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    here it comes with no warning; warrick, any
    there was a heaven in you
    but god there's a devil in me
    The inland plains are crippled and broken; dried out tendrils of once long, golden stalks of grass now crumpled to the ground in blackness as if fire had riddled through it. There is no scent of singed foliage, however - only the metallic, bittersweet tinge of death greets his nostrils like a slap in the face, reminding him of the moments he had endured only a few days prior. Longclaw’s body perhaps is still decaying beneath the unforgiving heat of the Tephran sun, where carrions’ black shadow splay across him in unceremonious circles. He couldn’t bring himself to go back to that exact place; where Harmonia had dragged in a slave, unleashing a plague onto Tephra that only stopped because of his dear friend’s sacrifice. It made him feel weak to remember such a memory and even now with the sharp smell seeping into his nostrils, the Overseer finds himself growing faint and dizzy, eyes rimmed with white as adrenaline begins to flood him.

    There is a figure in the near horizon - the haziness of sunset seems to trap it in the wavering heat, and though he has no intention of doing much with the distraction, the Overseer’s cerulean gaze flickers towards it, momentarily relieved from the reverie that has encumbered him so. In another time, in another world, perhaps a smile would have found the deep lines of his cobalt lips. Today, however, the sight of an old friend barely brings a glimmer of amusement into the deep, dark blue of his gaze and for the slightest moment his chest clenched tight. He is frozen, perhaps drawn to a stop by the shadowy remnants of Harmonia’s ‘gift’ that taunt him in the corner of his eye.

    He wonders why she has returned. Of course, he knows why (it is home, and he would do the same), but he fears to enlighten her - she is welcomed into Tephra, where death and destruction and murder has defined all of Beqanna and Warrick is powerless to stop it. His lip twitches, cobalt-tipped ears flicking forwards as the familiar shadowy form of Amorette greets Lucrezia and for a moment, Warrick is relieved. Amorette is a light within the darkness and perhaps each and every terrible thing that has tainted Tephra’s landscape could be washed away by her.

    With a flutter of the wide span of indigo wings, the Overseer makes his way towards the women. Kagerus has made her way to the inlands, meeting both Amorette and Lucrezia mere moments before Warrick comes to rest beside her, squarely halting with a tip of his chin upwards and a soft snort of an exhale leaving his nostrils as his shoulder brushes admirably against the bay overo. He greets Amorette with a stretch of his neck towards her, huffing gently, before turning to Lucrezia.

    “It has been too long, Lucrezia.” There is no smile that accompanies his voice, but that fact does not diminish the sincerity in his smoky baritone.



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    RE: here it comes with no warning; warrick, any - by Warrick - 07-10-2018, 06:01 PM

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