07-10-2018, 04:15 PM
Sawtooth almost thought this place was going to prove as fruitless and boring as the beach. Well... not quite true - the beach was were the dead and dying laid and she had some unusual habits regarding the bones she found there. But the dead never spoke back to er; they just grinned their death-grins and continued to turn whiter and whiter beneath the elements and the sun. However a black filly close to her in age is quick to approach her.
The grin she gives is sly and toothy as she takes in the shadow-gauze wings and the skin as black as Sawtooth’s own eyes. “Stomped it real good, I did!” she says as her little chest puffs out in pride and mirth sparkles in her dark sable eyes. Inwardly she is crowing with delight that the girl has no idea that she is that little wolf. It’s like a new and interesting game to her - a charade that is easy to fake. She leans in close until their noses are inches apart, “Would you like to see it?”
This is whispered conspiratorially of course. She doesn’t want to share her surprise with the entire playground of brats but a cursory glance around confirms it is just the two of them brave enough to be out in the cold. Until her nostrils begin to flare and siphon scents from the brisk air as it blows about them. Hmmm, cat... she thinks with an instinctive note if distaste. If she’d been in wolf-shape, her hackles would have bristled.
Sawtooth was about to shrug off the cat-smell and ask the dark girl again if she wanted to see the nonexistent stomped-on wolf when a scream cuts through the air. She flings her own head up in surprise and gives a snort of agitation as her blue wings shift about her little breathing sides. “What on earth...?!” but she hasn’t time to finish articulating the thought as clumps of snow fly upward not down like snow is supposed to and the stink of cat grows stronger. There is more boyish indignant shouting that she pins her ears back at and with a surging step forward, she is past the black filly and looking back at her as if to say you coming? with a tilt of her head.
Without further hesitation, Sawtooth charges out into the snow to see a half-horse and half-something else flailing about. But nothing is chasing him. So she coughs to get his attention. Then coughs again before shouting at him amidst all the flying snow. “AHEM! What is going on here?” It is clear the girl has no tact whatsoever.
@[Sibella] @[Titus]