The atmosphere that surrounded them was cold, in more ways than one. His sudden arrival deadened the blossoming conversation between the two mare's, their hostility greeting him instantly. Their reaction does not surprise him, even though he plays to their amusement. Forced shock twisted his face and sparked a light within the warmth of his gaze. Jumping away from him, it was as if he had pricked Ilma with a sharp prong the way she had moved so quickly. A deep throated chuckle rose from his belly and escaped through his lips. She was jumpier than he remembered, her senses undone in one moment not so long ago. She wondered if she still imagined him there - inside of her.
The mare's sassy comment draws him back to the present, his interest in her suddenly sparked. Grinning apologetically he honored her request and backed away a few steps, ever the gentlemen. "I do apologize, I did not mean to offend. As Ilma so eloquently stated, my name is Arty - or, rather, Arithmetic, if you please."
He shot a menacing glance at Ilma. How she had come to calling him such a horrendous thing he did not know. Her venom was warranted, of course, though why she had chosen that moment to exact her wrath upon him he was not sure. It certainly wasnt very diplomatic of her, he would have expected more from the ambassador of Hyaline. It wasnt too long ago that her smiles had been reserved for him, when she accepted his every advance with enthusiasm. At one time she had even hinted that it had been her desire for him to remain there, in Hyaline, with her. How humorous it all seemed now.
Deliberately he turned towards the ivory creature. She sported a new pair of wings, fortunately for her they added to her appeal. The light eminating from them was very becoming, but there were certain features that their warmth could not diminish. Personality was a huge short coming of hers, perhaps that was why he had chosen to hit it and then quit it.
"I do believe you and I remember things very differently, love." He winked at her. "It may be hard to believe, but looks aren't everything. Call me a rapist all you'd like, stick and stones, sticks and stones. However, I'd be happy to throw if you catch."
She had wanted him, whether she cared to admit it or not. Scathing words and hot tempers did little to inspire a reaction from him. With a flick of his tail he turned his attention back to his new friend. Ilma could carry on all she liked.
Smiling, he rolled his eyes with a dramatic flair. "Please excuse her," he begged. "Lovers' quarrel - or, I should say, ex-lovers."
@[Nalia] | @[Ilma] Can't control him! Sorry. Not sorry.