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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    No tears left to cry || Kylin
    The soft crackle of dry grass getting crushed underneath two pairs of hooves are her only ‘warning’ of the winged mare’s approach. First her lavender ears turn in the stranger’s direction, and her hazel eyes tear themselves away from the scenery with some effort soon after. Kylin studies the crème and copper mare, her head slightly tilting to the side. “Hello” she greets the mare back in the brief pause, shaking her head slightly at the apology.

    Kylin never gets the chance to tell the stranger it is okay, that she does not mind the intrusion, as the description of a familiar equine is brought up. “Svedka?” she asks, her hazel eyes now curious. Nevertheless, she shakes her head, and has to offer an apologetic smile. “No, I’m sorry.. I haven’t seen him around here. Haven’t seen him since he came to visit Ischia..”

    By extending her neck she reaches out to the crème and copper Pegasus, offering her own muzzle to exchange scents. Having Svedka as their mutual friend, she hopes the mare does not mind the close proximity. Kylin prefers it, liking it to have others around, and she has to admit being alone in the field had been rather lonely. “My name is Kylin, who are you? Are you from Hyaline too?”


    Messages In This Thread
    No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Nymf - 06-28-2018, 06:39 AM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Kylin - 07-02-2018, 02:43 PM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Nymf - 07-06-2018, 10:33 AM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Kylin - 07-08-2018, 10:47 AM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Nymf - 07-10-2018, 11:00 AM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Kylin - 08-07-2018, 02:26 PM
    RE: No tears left to cry || Kylin - by Nymf - 08-23-2018, 01:57 PM

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