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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I know you’re coming for the people like me.
    i don't want anything from her
    except her red apple heart.
    something i can bite into quickly
    without making a mess.
    Here we are again,” he says and his voice is hardly a whisper over the sound of the waves. His muzzle is white with age. There are scars from wars he can’t even remember, from the places his scales used to be. He’s an old man with no more time left on the clock and he’s come to accept it. His only regret is that Dillan isn’t here for him to kiss goodbye. Larva would condemn the whole world to hell just to bury his face into her neck one last time.

    Haven’t you done enough? Haven’t you ruined enough lives?” Samael’s voice is sharp and commands silence in reply. His rage summons fire that casts no heat all around them, though it promises pain if Larva steps too close.

    When is it ever enough, he thinks but the words don’t survive the journey to his lips. A slow sigh escapes him instead and he bows his tired head to be crushed one last time. Samael laughs and the sound is cruel, mocking as he steps closer. His cloven hooves are sharp enough to shatter the serpent’s skull but he has better plans than just violence and gore. That would never be enough. Instead, he leans in close and whispers into Larva’s ear.

    Drown. Drown and don’t come back this time.

    The fires extinguish and his legs are moving before he’s even aware of it. His eyelids feel heavy and the world grows hazy all around him. The waves are icy cold as they lap against his ankles. Samael grins darkly as Dillan’s head rises from the ocean just out of Larva’s reach. She calls his name like a siren and smiles so sweetly as she waits for him. There she is, the sum of everything beautiful in his life, the queen of his entire world and more.

    Seeing her makes it so easy to remember the day Darling was born. Her first cries had been so precious to him and he misses the way he used to press tight to Dillan’s side while they watched her sleep. God, he loved her even more for each child they brought into this world. Lyria. Krait. Vriska. Shiya. Vulgaris. He failed them as a father, he thinks. He broke all their hearts a hundred times but they were always so happy to see him again. How many times did Dillan have to forgive him? How many times did she kiss his face while she cried?

    How happy would she have been if she never met him?

    Her image is laughing and crying all at once in their sweet reunion. The water is up to his shoulders now, but still, she seems just beyond his reach. His legs fight the ebb and flow of the tide to get closer to her. It’s so cold it aches his muscles to continue on, but he just has to tell her how much he loves her one last time. He has to kiss the tears from her face and swear she’s the love of his life. She has to know.

    Dillan. Dillan, I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry,” he mumbles weakly as he lifts his chin just above the water. She will never hear him and he somehow knows it but the words come tumbling out anyway. Even in his last minutes, her face and her laugh are the center of his life. She is the sun he wants to orbit until he turns to glimmering dust. “Dilla-

    Samael’s tail flicks eagerly as he searches the waves for that gray monster’s head but he knows it won’t rise up again. He hopes his lungs burn as they fight for breath, prays that some cruel magic makes it last for hours. Minutes tick, tick, tick by so painfully slow. After an eternity, a body comes in on the tide. The demon boy touches his nose to the old man’s side and finds that it is cold like the winter oceans. Still, he misses his mother and this death does not bring her back to him.

    When is it ever enough, he thinks.

    when i close my eyes, i'm a statue
    that she wants to run her tongue over.
    when i close my eyes, i cut it off
    and keep it.

    Son of Cobain and Bible, Son of Marie
    circa BQY 53 - 197
    Father of 77 children
    Former King of the Forbidden Waterfalls
    Lover of Dillan, with all his heart

    He leaves behind no words. There is nothing that can mend the hurt he's left behind.

    Messages In This Thread
    I know you’re coming for the people like me. - by Samael - 07-04-2018, 01:34 AM

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