07-19-2015, 04:50 PM

this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
Her dam was the original warrior queen.
One day she would be one as well.
The only one better suited for succession to the throne was Rhy, and she didn’t ever seem to want the crown.
So that left Lagertha. Lagertha Kingstealer. Lagertha and her ambitions.
The horned, gray General follows a seldom used trail, her broad chest and powerful legs overpowering vines and creepy tangly bits that threatened to bury the path forever. She is not on patrol, but is nevertheless alert, and when she breaks into the central clearing, her eyes are almost immediately drawn to a mare she doesn’t know. A mare who does not seem ill at ease in the heavy heat, and does not have the tell-tale mess of underbrush about her - the sign of a visitor who does not know the way. Without the tattoos they must recognize each other by sight or smell, and neither click while she approaches the stranger. She could be friend, or a very well informed foe.
Lagertha will usually demand that a stranger get out, or quickly state their business, but this time is different. She is still challenging and brusque, but this time she is not nearly so aggressive. “I do not know you, and I know all the sisters. Identify yourself, please.” She fixes the mare with a neutral, hard-as-steel gaze. Best tell the truth, now. Lagertha doesn’t play games.
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general