07-02-2018, 03:01 PM
As bronze-tipped lobes pick up his uncle's reply, Jesper sighs. A sigh of relief that Belgaer was doing well. He knew his uncle had seen to many tasks that required urgency and sensitivity. With Beqanna on the brink of war, the black is aware of the toll preparations would take upon his Brothers and Sisters. He continues to listen as the winged chestnut speaks. In response, Jesper offers a warm smile out of gratitude. He appreciates his uncle's offer and, genuine concern. All things aside, sharing his experience as a Sylvan captive could only benefit others - Belgaer included. That is why he volunteered to subject himself, after all.
Jesper gathers his thoughts and, organizes his words before he speaks. "I appreciate your concern and, your offer. I am healing. I find it helps to live in the moment." Jesper pauses for a moment to take a couple of breaths. He has no qualms discussing what happened. Which prompts him to continue, "You know, I would be happy to share what I learned, Belgaer. I volunteered to go to Sylva so I could help us better understand what we would be going up against. I do not mind, in the least. Where would you like me to start? I know you knew Astarael before she left; before she changed. Were you two close?"
Jesper gathers his thoughts and, organizes his words before he speaks. "I appreciate your concern and, your offer. I am healing. I find it helps to live in the moment." Jesper pauses for a moment to take a couple of breaths. He has no qualms discussing what happened. Which prompts him to continue, "You know, I would be happy to share what I learned, Belgaer. I volunteered to go to Sylva so I could help us better understand what we would be going up against. I do not mind, in the least. Where would you like me to start? I know you knew Astarael before she left; before she changed. Were you two close?"
carnage x bethanie