It had been a traumatic event that had taken place just before they had departed Tephra. The young twins had caused quite a ruckus but thankfully they were safe. Ketzia though had refused to cross the waters to get to Ischia and so she had come with them. They had enjoyed the island paradise that was their birth home but they were unwelcomed sights there now. Cast into the bitter cold of the mainland and solidarity, they had made the journey to Tephra and now again they are outcasts. Left to roam the bitter cold in search of someplace to call home. Their father had instructed them to go to Taiga, the abandoned kingdom, until further notice. So they did as they were told...
It had been nearly a day of travel when they finally reach the great forests. Unblessed with flight as their mother and father had been, walking was always slower and more effort. They had grown accustom to it and unlike their brother Kwartz, they were not holding anyone back. Ketzia traveled by hoof as well and even slower than her grown siblings. They set their pace to match her though, knowing the stresses of abandonment weighed heavily on the filly. They were no stranger to that feeling as well and so they empathized for her. Krom, on occasion, brushed his slick muzzle over her as they made quick stops here and there to refresh themselves. Eventually they find themselves at the watery borders separating forests and settle in for the chilly evening...
Karat curls the child in closer, offering warmth and a soft place for Ketzia to rest her head until morning. The filly yawns and speaks of their location. Karat smiles in response and assures her sister they are here, "We are." Nudging the spotted girl softly she adds, "Now get some rest Ketzia. Tomorrow we will find ourselves a home here." The lavender trimmed mare curls her neck to rest over the child and ignites armor across her back to offer them warmth for the evening...
Krom watches from his stance nearby. Emerald eyes scanning the dark forests for any signs of impending danger. A flick of his tail is all the more movement he makes when his twin lights the flames along her back. They are dim and nonthreatening, so he settles into the glowing flicker of light. A howl echoes in the distances...
Watching. Waiting.
The night passes without a hitch and morning comes as it always does. Today the skies are not clear and threaten a flurry. His gaze scans the clouds overhead and calls to his sisters, "We best get moving. Storms are coming." Is all he says before he is turning to lead them towards the shelter of the woods. Karat rises first and extinguishes the flames she had held all night. Their purpose served and need no more. "Good morning Ketzia," she whispers as she nudges the filly to stand. Ready to start the days endeavors, she turns to follow Krom to the channels edge that separates the Forest and the Taiga. Krom waits for his sisters and looks across to their destination. "We will have to cross here," his deep voices riddled with concern for the youngest of the trio...
He is first to test the waters. Finding it chilly but not more than hock deep. Easily, he crosses and once on the other side he turns back to look at the girls. "It isn't too deep," he shouts to them. It wasn't too vast of an expanse either. Karat looks down to Ketzia and smiles nervously, "Ready?" She questions the bay girl...
@[Ketzia] forgot they have to cross water in order to get to Taiga lol this should be interesting XD I imagine they are right by the T of The Forest on the map