06-28-2018, 05:11 PM
Alright, alright, he'd been a bit rude. Maybe more than a bit. Curiosity had taken hold, however, and it had felt ridiculous to deny it. Now though, they were both giving him affronted looks and he felt his own milky ears tip backwards in response. Frankly he hadn't been keen on the cavalier manner in which the darker colt had been handling the filly. And he was the rude one... "I'm Santana. Or just Tana. Either one." He answered with a half hearted shrug.
Eyeing the horned boy again, he decided he was going to keep an eye on him. Thin tendrils of smoke trickled from his nostrils as an unfamiliar burn bit the back of back of his throat. Danger, danger a little voice in his head cautioned. The instinctive wariness went beyond his equine senses, drawing on a deeper well. Mama had said he'd inherited his pearly wings from his father. Perhaps he'd inherited something else. "I'll play nice if he will." The colt replied with uncharacteristic steel. There was just something about this guy he wasn't sure he liked. And after this morning... well, he wasn't sure he'd say no to a bit of a brawl. Especially with a pretty girl watching. A loud girl, but still.
Shaking his scrubby brush of a mane back into place, the creme colt grinned at her offer. Scales? So she wasn't so ordinary after all. His tail flickered in excitement as he nodded his head, following the other two to the nearest pond gamely. The smoke that had filled his throat just a minute ago faded as the subject turned, until he almost believed it hadn't happened at all. With a little twinge he wished mother was here again. She'd know what had happened.
@[Adria] @[Drustan]
Eyeing the horned boy again, he decided he was going to keep an eye on him. Thin tendrils of smoke trickled from his nostrils as an unfamiliar burn bit the back of back of his throat. Danger, danger a little voice in his head cautioned. The instinctive wariness went beyond his equine senses, drawing on a deeper well. Mama had said he'd inherited his pearly wings from his father. Perhaps he'd inherited something else. "I'll play nice if he will." The colt replied with uncharacteristic steel. There was just something about this guy he wasn't sure he liked. And after this morning... well, he wasn't sure he'd say no to a bit of a brawl. Especially with a pretty girl watching. A loud girl, but still.
Shaking his scrubby brush of a mane back into place, the creme colt grinned at her offer. Scales? So she wasn't so ordinary after all. His tail flickered in excitement as he nodded his head, following the other two to the nearest pond gamely. The smoke that had filled his throat just a minute ago faded as the subject turned, until he almost believed it hadn't happened at all. With a little twinge he wished mother was here again. She'd know what had happened.
@[Adria] @[Drustan]