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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mock]  Wishbone vs Mosrael
    <b>WINNER: Wishbone</b>


    <b>Attacks & Defenses (-5/+5): +3</b> <i>average of all posts</i>
    +, -, or / Were attack(s), defense(s), and movement(s) understandable? (Did the player use directional cues like right and left, was the horse in the right position to make that attack, etc.)
    +, -, or / Would the attack(s) have been effective? (If the horse is aiming to cripple their opponent, they wouldn't bite; if they are are trying to distract or bruise they might bite, etc.)
    +, -, or / Were the attack(s) and defense(s) described well? (Specific area they are aiming for why they are aiming there, etc.; this does not require specific anatomy but rather, you are aiming for the shoulder to hinder movement, biting to distract or bruise, etc.)
    +, -, or / Were the defense(s) reasonable? (Did the horse take an appropriate amount of damage?)
    +, -, or / Did the damage taken and previous damage/injuries taken affect the horse’s decisions and movements adequately?

    <b>Post 1 (+3)</b> comes towards Mosrael, rears and strikes at her shoulder, then pivots around to face the same direction

    <b>Post 2 (+4)</b> takes bite and kick, shies away from the kick, feints a rear and bites at Mosrael’s ear
    /Mostly good, not clear on what exactly she does at the end of post two

    <b>Post 3 (+2)</b>
    +Reasonable dodge for second attack given that Mosrael didn’t aim
    /Getting charged at at this distance might have caused more damage

    <b>Realism (-2/+2): +1</b>  <i>(average of the below, max of 2 as not all elements need to be present in all posts, should include at least 2 elements per post, however) </i>
    +, - or / Were stats of each character taken into account? (How big is your opponent, do you know their build, experience, traits, etc.)
    +, - or / Was the landscape used? (if it's raining, the footing will be muddy and effective movement. if it's winter, the ground might be ice covered, etc. these things can be used in attacks/defenses)
    +, - or / Were traits used reasonably and within their limits?
    +, - or / Was there anything in particular that stood out in terms of realism, good or bad?

    <i>Post 1 (+2) </i>
    +Acknowledged stats
    +Acknowledged landscape
    /No traits

    <i>Post 2 (+1) </i>

    <i>Post 3 (0)</i>

    <b>Creativity (-2/+2): +1.33</b> <i> (average of the below, max of 2 as not all elements need to be present in all posts, should include at least 2 elements each post, however) </i>
    +, - or / Did the horse give a sense of their emotions/reasons/feelings throughout the battle? Do you have a sense of their personality?
    +, - or / Were the attacks/defenses creative and interesting?
    +, - or / Was there anything in particular that stood out in terms of creativity, good or bad?

    <i>Post 1 (+1) </i>

    <i>Post 2 (+2) </i>
    +I liked the feint and then grabbing at her ear

    <i>Post 3 (+1)</i>

    <b>Grammar (-3/+3): +2 </b> <i>(total from below 3 elements) </i>
    Grammar (-1/+1): +1
    - Were there consistent (i.e. More than two typos in one post, or sentence fragments in every post) grammar issues or typos? If yes, -1. If no, +1
    Readability: (-1/+1): +1
    - Were the posts easy to understand? If yes, +1. If no, -1
    Powerplaying: (-1/+1): 0
    - Was there powerplaying? If yes, -1. If no, +1
    Careful with positioning - don’t forget your opponent might move and your positioning might change

    <i>Outline specific instances of issues for critique; overall good! I’d like to see more description of what she might do if her opponent doesn’t react the way she expects/wants her too, but for this short of a word count this is good</i>
    <b>Rubric Total (<i>sum of above sections</i>): +7.33</b>


    <b>Attacks & Defenses (-5/+5): 0</b> <i>average of all posts</i>
    +, -, or / Were attack(s), defense(s), and movement(s) understandable? (Did the player use directional cues like right and left, was the horse in the right position to make that attack, etc.)
    +, -, or / Would the attack(s) have been effective? (If the horse is aiming to cripple their opponent, they wouldn't bite; if they are are trying to distract or bruise they might bite, etc.)
    +, -, or / Were the attack(s) and defense(s) described well? (Specific area they are aiming for why they are aiming there, etc.; this does not require specific anatomy but rather, you are aiming for the shoulder to hinder movement, biting to distract or bruise, etc.)
    +, -, or / Were the defense(s) reasonable? (Did the horse take an appropriate amount of damage?)
    +, -, or / Did the damage taken and previous damage/injuries taken affect the horse’s decisions and movements adequately?

    <b>Post 1 (+1)</b> Sidesteps to take the hit on her back instead of shoulder; nips at Wishbone’s belly as she is rearing?, kicks at Wishbone’s barrel
    /At one point she is both “galloping forward” and “standing in wait”, can’t be both
    /Described well as far as what she is attacking but little to no detail on why
    -Doesn’t acknowledge any damage really from the attack

    <b>Post 2 (-1)</b> totally dodges Wishbone by charging her?, then bucks and moves away
    -What is she aiming for when she bucks? Where is she? We have no idea
    -She completely avoided Wishbone’s attack, didn’t even get scraped with teeth
    -Didn’t acknowledge any discomfort from first post in second post even though she supposedly got kicked pretty hard

    <b>Realism (-2/+2): +1 </b>  <i>(average of the below, max of 2 as not all elements need to be present in all posts, should include at least 2 elements per post, however) </i>
    +, - or / Were stats of each character taken into account? (How big is your opponent, do you know their build, experience, traits, etc.)
    +, - or / Was the landscape used? (if it's raining, the footing will be muddy and effective movement. if it's winter, the ground might be ice covered, etc. these things can be used in attacks/defenses)
    +, - or / Were traits used reasonably and within their limits?
    +, - or / Was there anything in particular that stood out in terms of realism, good or bad?

    <i>Post 1 (+2) </i>

    <i>Post 2 (0) </i>
    -Didn’t really take any damage the whole mock

    <b>Creativity (-2/+2): +1 </b> <i> (average of the below, max of 2 as not all elements need to be present in all posts, should include at least 2 elements each post, however) </i>
    +, - or / Did the horse give a sense of their emotions/reasons/feelings throughout the battle? Do you have a sense of their personality?
    +, - or / Were the attacks/defenses creative and interesting?
    +, - or / Was there anything in particular that stood out in terms of creativity, good or bad?

    <i>Post 1 (+1) </i>

    <i>Post 2 (+1) </i>

    <b>Grammar (-3/+3): -1 </b> <i>(total from below 3 elements) </i>

    Grammar: (-1/+1): -1
    - Were there consistent (i.e. More than two typos in one post, or sentence fragments in every post) grammar issues or typos? If yes, -1. If no, +1
    More than two typos in first post
    More than two typos in second post
    Readability: (-1/+1): +1
    - Were the posts easy to understand? If yes, +1. If no, -1
    Powerplaying: (-1/+1): -1
    - Was there powerplaying? If yes, -1. If no, +1
    Yes, in post one; you can never say you know a hit landed unless your opponent says it has - they could block or avoid it
    Not taking any damage/hits is also a form of power playing unless you have a really good reason and even then kind defeats the purpose of battling

    <i>Outline specific instances of issues for critique; Be super careful of power playing! Any timer you say you affected your opponent instead of “hoped to” or “tried to” or some other variation, that’s power playing. So is totally avoiding attacks a lot of the time - make sure you take hits and talk about how it affects your character’s actions. </i>
    <b><b>Rubric Total (<i>addition of all above</i>): +1</b>

    Messages In This Thread
    Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Brennen - 05-15-2018, 09:11 PM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Wishbone - 05-16-2018, 01:27 PM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Mosrael - 05-17-2018, 09:54 AM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Wishbone - 05-19-2018, 01:52 PM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Mosrael - 05-19-2018, 06:30 PM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by Wishbone - 05-21-2018, 10:44 AM
    RE: Wishbone vs Mosrael - by devin - 06-25-2018, 12:31 PM

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