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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away; any
    She'd been doing anything to preoccupy her mind lately, including feeding the hunger of her wandering heart.  The travels took her throughout the majority of Beqanna, though each passing week the terrain felt like it was getting smaller and smaller, leaving little uncharted territory left for the woman to discover.  Nowadays there wasn't much left to her imagination, having seen and witnessed a great many things while completing her journeys.  But today the recognizable sensation of suprise resonates within her as the path back home becomes entangled with someone else's she had met before.  

    A flash of white near her is enough cause to make her stop, and her gaze drifts to peer through a dying shrub.  Shifting her viewpoint, the familiar white silhouette of a certain pegasus meets with her curious eyes.  The leopard maiden can't help, but smile, realizing that she had not so long ago been wondering what her friend had been up to these days.  Currently Ilma seemed to be preoccupied with satiating her appetite on some weathered looking apples, not entirely sure that such an action was a good idea.  But for the sake of curiosity, she doesn't expose herself to the other woman just yet, watching with eager attention as she finishes her meal before moving to the river's edge.  It's not long before she realizes Ilma is no longer moving with her usual grace, and Breckin's eyebrows knit with concern.  What could have caused such a drastic change?  At least the pegasus was laughing, she quickly notes; whatever was vexing her musn't be entirely too concerning then.

    Emerging from the brush, she pauses beneath the apple tree where Ilma had stood just moments before.  A thought flits before her mind's eye, wondering if perhaps the ageing apples could possibly have to do with the sudden shift in Ilma's behavior.  There could only be one way to know for sure, she concludes, and the simple fact that she was willing to throw herself at anything tossed at her direction if it meant she could lose her thoughts in stupid simplicity.  Not needing further internal encouraging, she is quck to consume several of the fallen fruit before shifting back her attention to the other mare.

    Raising her head, Breckin's lips descend into a slight frown, mildly perturbed that perhaps the apples weren't the root of Ilma's problem after.  Blinking, she takes a step towards the alabaster mare to come to her aid, but a movement that should have been easy becomes incredibly hard as she finds her step to be misplaced and somehow manages to catch herself from diving into the packed ground.  Chest heaving and eyes wild at the sudden shift in her own mannerisms, Breckin struggles to find Ilma's frame that she knew should only be a few steps away.  Finally fnding her again, it would seem that the pegasus had attracted the attention of two stallions and for whatever reason, the leopard mare suddenly finds that entirely too amusing.  Of course people would flock to her, she's fucking beautiful!, she thinks to herself.  Such a sillly thought from a silly girl.

    She's not entirely sure how she managed to get to the other side of Ilma, but suddenly she's there.  A goofy grin widens upon her face, as her lids become heavy, "Hey bish, stop hoggin' all the attention."


    Just for the sake of clarification, bish=bitch in the drunken language. XD

    @[Ilma] @[Sunblaze] @[Chemdog]

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    RE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; any - by Breckin - 06-24-2018, 08:53 PM

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