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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye. (Scorch, any)

    Even in this place where silence does not seem to exist, it is impossible to miss the sudden ruckus surrounding her. Glancing into the trees, she spies the flashing form of a monkey as it swings through the dense leaf covered branches. She wonders briefly why they had not made a sound until now. Perhaps they are simply slow on the uptake. Or perhaps there is another reason they have only now begun to vociferously object to her presence.

    In any case, the creatures do not hold her attention for long. When the hairless mare appears through the trees, her golden gaze shifts swiftly to her. As she had predicted, it had not taken long for someone to find her. She had never meant to intrude silently or secretively. The woman regards her with suspicion, her lips twitching as though she wishes for nothing more than to growl at her.

    When she speaks, declaring her trespasser, her golden eyes flash in mild surprise. She had not considered her actions to be trespassing. These are to become her borders as well, after all. Perhaps this woman does not know of the bargain her father has made. But when she announces herself as Scorch, she knows that she must be aware. It does not occur to her that she does not even know who she is. Even were her golden eyes not distinctive, she was given to believe that her arrival had been expected.

    Of course, the Khaleesi had never met her. How could she possibly know who she is upon sight?

    Tilting her head slightly, she regards Scorch with bold eyes. She does not flinch at the mare’s sharp words. There is nothing this woman could inflict upon her that would come close to matching the pain of a body shattering into a thousand pieces. Nor could she possibly match the torment of being stitched back together by a hellish magic. When one has experienced such, all misery becomes relative.

    She does not hesitate in answering the woman’s biting question. After all, she knows perfectly well who she is and why she is here.

    I am Joscelin. As it happens, you are the one I am searching for.

    there's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye

    html c insane | pictures c nazo-the-unsolvable.deviantart.com and akharlamov.deviantart.com

    Messages In This Thread
    There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye. - by Joscelin - 07-18-2015, 09:59 PM

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