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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    stones taught me to fly; kingslay + any

    and I ran back to that hollow again
    the moon was just a sliver back then
    and I ached for my heart like some tin man
    when it came, oh, it beat and it boiled and it rang

    There is some primal part of Etro that knows what Kingslay truly is. That knew the first moment she came upon him in the meadow and underneath the musk and the heat of his body, she smelled the metallic tang of life that was not his. Life taken too soon and then worn on the crown of his head and in between his molars. But her stomach had not churned. She had not been revolted, and she had not fled.

    Instead, she had gone closer--intrigued. Instead, she had stepped into the belly of his flames, and she had never looked back. In some ways, she wonders if she has sold her soul in doing so; after all, how good could she be when she cradles the stallion who murders? How can she love something that kills?

    But Etro is not bound to this world. She is of the stars and of the galaxies and her moral code is not set up to be judged against or compared. It is crafted by and of her, and she does not lose sleep in making decisions that would otherwise make hearts restless. She feels peace in knowing what she knows. She is happy to love who she loves. There is freedom in not expecting the world to understand.

    “I did.” A simple statement because although she is many things, Etro is not a liar. She had said she would not run, but she had. She had run from their argument; she had run from the sickness curdling in her veins. She had run because the wind had whispered in her ear that she should, and she had listened as she had wanted. She would not apologize for doing what she felt was right, in the same way that she would not expect Kingslay to apologize for being who he was.

    “But I am back now,” she murmurs and does not flinch against the teeth against her neck. He could kill her, but he wouldn’t. She feels confident in that. He had the ability to burn down forests and destroy empires, but she knew that he would not use it against her. At least not now. “I will be back for a while.” Not forever, is what she leaves unsaid. She cannot make that promise, although there is something in her wild bones that wishes she could. If she would stay forever anywhere, it would be with him.
    E T R O
    vanquish and yael’s trait negating desert princess

    Messages In This Thread
    stones taught me to fly; kingslay + any - by etro - 07-14-2015, 11:38 PM
    RE: stones taught me to fly; kingslay + any - by etro - 07-18-2015, 04:14 PM

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