. . .
Solace stands and listens as he speaks his peace. Through her resting wings the breeze flutters and her blue eyes never leave his face. His voice is heavily spiced with deep feeling, and she finds that her fondness for the dark stallion is growing.
Hyaline was a sanctuary, and she was accustomed to unanchored souls coming and going as they pleased. As long as they did nothing to disturb the tranquility of her kingdom, she was glad to provide a safe place until they found the strength to strike out on their own. Some would stay and build their ranks, but just as many would simply use the mountains for its intended purpose and disappear when their time had come - she didn't hold it against them. But she did appreciate Jesper taking this extra step, even when it was not expected.
"It was my honor, Jesper," she says, pressing her pale muzzle fondly to his own. The two women he spoke of were passing names in Hyaline's history - but they were beloved souls to him, and Solace had been happy to play her part in their stories.
"You are a rare sort of stallion," she says with a little shake of her head, "and each time I have met with you my admiration has grown," she adds, her voice is low and sincere.
In her years as Caretaker she had come to quickly recognize good qualities in others, and this man possessed many that could not be learned. "I do not presume to question your loyalty, but I want you to know that Hyaline will always be open to you and yours."