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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hell is empty and all the devils are here; noellen and drow

    I'm so tired of being here
    Suppressed by all my childish fears

    She’s fallen into an even deeper pit than before.

    Before had been loneliness and abandonment and a broken heart.

    Now it was agonizing.

    Her emerald green eyes were dull and blank; what was once so lively has become an empty shell. The only reason she remained somewhat aware is that she had a young son to care for. Noellen could never truly abandon one of her children. But that little awareness was costly to her. She couldn’t draw deeper into herself and hide away from the aches and pains of her broken down body.

    She stumbles and shakenly makes her way across the meadow at his discretion. Mindlessly she allows him to crowd her and to push her around as if she was a mere puppet and he pulled tautly at her fraying strings. Noellen had never given him much resistance for there had always been a tiny flaming hope that remained in her heart. But now it stuttered and flickered maddeningly within the onslaught of a biting, icy wind.

    She had felt lost when seeing Barret again within her brief escape into the meadow. Here was a former trusted friend whom had betrayed that very trust. But then again, everyone betrays her in the end. Lyric had died and left her friendless. Barret had assaulted her and left her with a son. And Drow. Well that had been the last straw. Why was she so unlovable?

    They finally reach a spot that the iron giant deemed worthy of ending his impromptu parade of fools (though really it consisted of only one fool). Her sides heaved in exhaustion and her limbs shook violently. She felt like her rib cage was bent unto itself and many of her wounds had opened back up during their trek to the meadow. She barely flinches from the bite he administers and drunkenly she gazes into cold grey eyes as he speaks menacingly to her.

    She shakes her head vigorously in answer to his questions. No. NO. Never again would she leave. She could be good. She had just been a little lost. But now she knew better. All she had needed was a guiding hand.

    "I can be good. I promise!"


    html c insane | pic c marshmallow-child.deviantart.com | bg pic c trixxblue.deviantart.com

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    RE: hell is empty and all the devils are here; noellen and drow - by noellen - 07-18-2015, 02:36 AM

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