Curiosity killed the cat, one time long ago. It would kill the cat again if Raj would be curious enough to find and kill one to see how it works, perhaps to try out what Lokii had been so kind to show to him, a heart still slowly beating, revealing how the blood flows inside an animal. He’s not by a long means found out how everything works in a body yet, and until he does he has no time yet to think of how the mind works also.
Instead, he pointedly ignores the whispers the fox mades, and stares at her quite defiantly. ”Not a talking one,” he almost adds ‘dumbass’ to it, but just in time remembers that if the perlino and blue mare is on the fox’ side he is outnumbered. The fox with a mare’s voice talks to the other mare then, and the colt shrugs as he is not the one to answer. Of course he lives here, what young boy would be on his own in here otherwise? Surely Sylva isn’t a place to tresspass. Which also means that the shine-and-navy mare lives here too. On what conditions, he is not bothered. He creeps a little closer to her, lifting his nose to trace the scars on her sides, wondering how such cuts are made. Would a fox do that when it hunts? Maybe she’s been tunnelling where it’s too tight?
screaming out loud
@[Lepis] @[Merida]