- Are you thinking of me when you love him? -
There’s something about being here, in these dark cavernous depths, that sends a shock of total awareness through the budding stallion. It might have been the moment his mouth ghosted overtop Wishbone’s dark nose, much the same way his father had done to his mother so many times before. Or it could just as easily be her reaction; that she pauses, that he makes her take pause. One thing rings true: Bane is all-too floored with the fact that once they depart from this space, neither of them will be as they were before.
The shape of her mouth is unseen and still it seems to bite him; what his childhood friend says causes him to take a clattering step backwards. Queen? he thinks curiously, all the while Wishbone is spouting profanities and fumbling for an excuse. Half of him could explode - just outright burst into low hoots of laughter - but the other is half is cautious, observant. What was once excitement on the mahogany curves of her cheeks now seemed like apprehension, and Wolfbane watches her without much in the way of a reaction.
All of their lives he’s been around her, at first annoyed and then grateful, especially when his siblings had decided to fly the coop. A thing like this … becoming Queen of the Leviathans … he knew that nothing could possibly make her happier. So what made his once closest confidant suddenly afraid to share that happiness, especially with him?
Had the bay girl already become so untrusting as to think he might even disapprove of this news?
Bane’s blue-barred face turns along with the sharp sound of her rushing to block the only entrance or exit, and he can feel the pressure of a smile threatening to break when her uncertain voice echoes towards his upturned ears. “Look I knoooow that me being a Loessian is a lot to take in and all,” He drawls, tilting his eyes up where the pale light gleamed, “but you don’t have to go around trying to convince me you’re amazing as well.”
The stallion smiles. He re-adjusts both wings and resumes a casual pose, quick to find her again and lock eyes. “You’ll always be Wishy to me. Even if I can’t formally say that outside of here.”
@[Wishbone] how does one deal with crippling anxiety ... humor