06-03-2018, 06:53 PM
He scanned the horizon for a few moments in silence but soon enough he could hear rustling and the ebony pony appeared from hiding. Morty he greets the fellow king who finds a spot beside Arthas. Whast been on your mind he asks Arthas. Surely he was inquiring about his political thoughts, but Arthas couldn't help but flick his mind to Lepis. She was here, and he could not wait to see her, was it the wrong thing sending her here? Although that was not the reason for his visit with Morty, and he refrains from allowing his clouded judgement appear on his maw.
Morty it has been a while since we last chatted, I hope things have been going well for you and Sylva as they have Loess. He looks around the flourishing kingdom before settling his gaze on the king once again I came today to inquire about a troubling kingdom. He snorts thinking of the annoying island Ischia to be exact, there ruler sent two horses to my kingdom, and they surely were no diplomats because they came off rude and demanding. His mind flicks to the winged stallion who was beyond rude, and than Leilan who Arthas liked at the time. They then attempted to steal a mare from my kingdom, and in return I successfully stole an equine from theirs......but he has since escaped. He is almost embarrassed to admit that Leilan escaped. I suppose I was hoping they were as annoying to you, and my next question is, what will we do about them? It is no secret that Ischia has an alliance with Nerine, and Loess would need Sylva to back them up in any attack.
Dangerous Business
@[Modicum Mortem]