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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  best have your wits about you [Jackel]
    Jesper remains oblivious to the inner battle the gold dame faces ahead of him. He chose to take his time, savoring every touch, because he needed to ensure her offer is genuine. He would not take advantage if she asked him to stop. He may be exhausted, physically and mentally but, the Ischian creed screamed at him. Alas, there are no signals that she did not want this. He indulges her as she leans back, pressing herself into his pressure. She welcomes his exploration and, as her wet, warm folds envelope him, Jesper begins to dance. His hind limbs tap the forest floor in an impatient jig. His muscled haunches flex and, spasms tuck buttocks in and, push shaft further from pocket. He can feel himself growing more excited and, the eagerness rises from between his thighs like a pleasant heat.

    Bronze-tipped lobes catch her words of encouragement, verbally granting him permission. It is as if this is what his body had been waiting for. Like, subconsciously, he could not be unlocked without her consent. Moist tongue slowly retracts to permit the flow of warm liquid to trickle down between her thighs. Limbs shuffle chassis forward until the curve of his throat rests upon her rump. A teasing nip is placed upon her croup before, he cannot wait any longer. Hind pillars splay to support weight as Jesper rocks backwards. Haunches propel stallion aboard and, forelimbs hook themselves around mare's barrel while sheath plunges into her awaiting chassis. He makes no effort to mount gently, nor did he intend to make love, all slow and tender. No, the moment his hooves left the ground, Jesper had finally succumbed to his boyish impulses. He would accept her offer in its entirety. He would unleash his innermost needs.

    The first thrust reaches into her depths as far as she would allow. He draws it back before forcefully plunging into her, again. He wants nothing more than to ravish her from the inside, out. The tip of his shaft tingles as it slides back and forth. A throaty moan escapes vocal chords as the heat becomes sheer pleasure. The friction between their two bodies fuels this sensation into a roaring fire. Jesper had never before felt a desire like this. What had taken him so long? With each push into her cavern, male grows increasingly more lustful. His moans grow louder and, deeper. His pace increases. He finds himself near frantic to achieve a release. His efforts produce a sticky perspiration over sleek pelt and, between thighs. His breathing matches his exertion and, nares flare to bring in more oxygen.

    The anticipation drives him to push even harder. Her body welcomes him in, enveloping his sheath in warm, lubricated folds. On top of her, he hugs her midsection and, muzzle rests upon her shoulder blades. He no longer needs encouragement though, her vocalizations would surely be welcome. He wants to hear his pleasure in her. He wants her to remember how he can make her feel. Morty may have gotten to her heart but, he would have her body. With his next thrust, he extends his muzzle to whisper into her ear. "Give yourself to me. Let go." Jesper thrusts faster and harder until, at last, his hips lock and, muscles of his haunches contract. A burst ruptures from head of sheath and, all at once, the tension escapes his physique. How could that single release relieve him of all of the pent up tension?

    Slowly, Jesper releases his grip around her barrel and, slides out and off of her. Hooves make contact with the ground once more and, a large sigh slips through nasal caverns. Quad limbs quiver unsteadily now that they must bear his weight again. He stands for a moment, reveling in this newfound fatigue. He is carefree and, happy yet, he feels more drained than ever. At last, poll lifts and, soft gaze takes in the form of the golden mare. She, too, is glistened with sweat and, although he mounted her without feeling an ounce of attachment, he finds himself fond of her now. He steps forward, slowly, and bumps his whispered muzzle into the curve of her neck. He lingers there, drawing in their now mixed scents, in silence. He could not bring himself to thank her though, he is grateful. Somewhere, in the deep recesses of his mind, Jesper felt as though he deserved to take something away from the clown.
    carnage x bethanie


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    RE: best have your wits about you [Jackel] - by Jesper - 05-27-2018, 05:45 AM

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