05-23-2018, 07:01 PM
The golden mare is a special brand of psycho, and Abra finds that she quite likes it. In the world of seriousness, it was refreshing to find someone who had a...crazier approach to evil.The lady laughs, and Abra is drawn to it. Sweet psychosis, this mare entrances her. Soon, she too is laughing as Jackel brushes by her, soft lips tenderly painting red the black of her skin. Abra herself dips her maw into the crimson pool, tasting the metallic flavor, painting the trees like her golden counterpart.
They come to a crossroads, and Abra stares deeply into the laughing lady’s dark eyes. “Beautiful girl, you’ve got me dizzy…” She murmurs, touching her stained lips to Jackel’s cheek. “Go crazy on me.”
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
@[Jackel] Abra has been swooned xD