A change is upon the mythical lands of Beqanna. It is a more natural occurance though. One that comes every year just like a season. New life emerges just as the foliage returns. It is a happy time, or at least should be...
He knows she carries his child. A beautiful creation of love, he is sure. He does love her. More than just family or a friend. Though he is unsure she feels truly the same. Kylin had not accepted his offer of a home. A family. She had chosen the island over him. It stung, just a lot, but he wouldn't give up. Not yet.
It is early when he wakes to a feeling that she needs him. He doesn't doubt his instincts and quickly he is lifting into the morning sky. Weak rays of light beam from behind the islands canopy, creating a halo-like outline. It is truly a sight to behold, but his gaze doesn't last long. He was on a mission to find her and he knew where he should look...
The small plots of land on the west side is where he had found her once before. She had been a broken mess than and he'd like to think he helped her to the light. Life was short and not worth wasting(he is unaware that time does not count for her). Banking around the mainland, another cast of his lavender wings bring him just above the scattered bogs of land. Silver-hazel eyes scan the ground until they spot movement below. Immediate identification is unknown but he chances it all the same. If it was her, he wasn't wasting any time.
Wings bend to drop him from the embrace of ocean breeze, legs extend to reach for the fast approaching terrain. He comes upon a sandy plain and jogs a few lengths before coming to a stand. Head high and ears searching for the slightest of sounds. There is a slight rustle of vegetation leading him to walk towards the treeline. Gently his voice calls out her name, "Kylin...?" Lavender crown tips to one side to move his view beyond a tall bed of plant life. Something of a amethyst hue is hidden from plain sight, so he halts to wait for affirmation...
@[Kylin] @[Kyveli]