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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baby you’re a renegade; any
    Lell was a child’s dream.
    She knows this in the way that all magical things know what they are and from whence they came.

    Children dream such fantastical dreams! 
    Which is why Lell is buttercup yellow. This is also why her name is Lell - a corruption of yellow that a child could not correctly say. 

    She holds a horse’s shape of course. Though what breed it may be is anyone’s guess. Lell is likely to be the product of a unicorn and a chincoteague pony - somehow beautiful but also ridiculous. Isn’t that the kind of stuff the best dreams are made of? Beautiful and ridiculous.

    But like any dream-thing given flesh, she is flawed because that is the way of the world. Nothing is perfect. Not even in the dream-world.

    Lell belonged to a herd as brightly colored as herself. No two shared the same color. Every individual was as bright as a crayon in a Crayola 64-pack. Not only did their colors make them stand out from one another but each of them had a different ability that accounted for some measure of magic in their bloodstream.

    The problem was that Lell couldn’t control her ability. Hence the first flaw in her character. She tried but most of her attempts were failures. It’s not easy to control shooting stars in the first place. Stars weren’t meant to be tamed or hitched to mortal desires for all that poor Lell tried. Usually there was someone nearby to put out all the small fires she started when she lost control.

    Except this last time...
    She was showing off. Trying to impress someone that she was now trying to desperately forget. They had stood close together with their heads raised to the wild night sky, manes blown back by the wind that blew over their upturned faces. A shooting star or two had gone by so naturally she tried to pull more from the fabric of space in an attempt to amaze. 

    An attempt that backfired when they began to rain down around them. Many small fires started. Bright colorful skins were singed. Chaos reigned in the dreamscape that night as the herd stampeded and snorted and fire chased them from the meadows they’d always known. No amount of apologizing could save her then. Lell was cast out from her home-herd never to return.

    It only got worse from there -
    Once she left that particular dreamscape, she acquired a new ability. Lell discovered that she could dissolve into fairy dust and travel that way. It was easier to cross worlds and jump dimensions when she was nothing but a scattered shimmering of dust. However this too was flawed in her. Whenever Lell sneezed (and it was often enough to be a problem), it triggered the dissolution of herself into dust. 

    It was an inconvenience.
    Lell was an inconvenience.

    She happened upon Beqanna in a fit of sneezing and fairy dust. Eventually the fits subsided into quiet hiccups as the little mare got her first good look at the land through eyes as gray as a raincloud. Field. Forest. Meadow. She was doomed! The land was far too flammable for her liking but she was tired - so tired. Still hiccuping, all she could was hang her head and look glum.

    Messages In This Thread
    baby you’re a renegade; any - by Lell - 05-21-2018, 11:30 AM
    RE: baby you’re a renegade; any - by Astrophel - 05-26-2018, 12:50 PM
    RE: baby you’re a renegade; any - by Lell - 05-28-2018, 09:47 PM

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