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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Teach these broken wings to fly || Svedka
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    The woman nods, and Svedka quietly steps through damp earth that is mixed with melting ice and new growth attempting to shoot through in anticipation for spring. The solitude in the Riverlands wraps around him familiarly, the sound of the white-frothed rapids churning like a lullaby just nearby. He halts before her, his white forelegs now standing in the small space of freshly green grass, the smell of spring on the breeze. Just as her eyes gently fall to the vivid petals in the twisting and tangled mass of his mane, his cerulean gaze lingers on the brilliant feathered wings at her sides, already daydreaming of where the stranger had flown from. Perhaps it is a land outside of Beqanna, or a mountainside she had come from that he had yet to explore. The stallion smiles, and though is eager to learn about the copper-winged stranger, does not interrupt the sweet sound of the atmosphere around them or the quiet reverie of her voice.

    “Nymf,” he says, repeating her name with a lopsided smile and a tiny thrust of his chin towards his chest, “I’m Svedka.” He notices her gaze lingering on the snapdragons that Kagerus had found (a cultivator of plants and flowers, she must be) and he turns his jaw slightly so that he could perhaps peer at their orange and red color. The motion stirs the red and black hawk feather nestled into the other side of his neck, bumping gently against the pale gold of his jawline. He must look completely out of place, with such trinkets tucked away in his ivory and light blue tendrils, but Svedka had never thought about that for even a moment of his life. “They’re snapdragons,” he muses to her outloud, turning his eyes back to her with a rising of his brows. “They grow in Hyaline, just before the mountain becomes the valley. The late winter and early spring brings them out.”

    He hadn’t known this, (only that he had seen the beautiful buds before, though knew nothing of them) but Kagerus is sure to give him a bit of information for each blossom she brings him. Svedka’s nostrils quiver as he inhales deeply the smell of sun and sky (a scent that often accompanies a pegasus, he’s noted), but also of salt and brine. “Where did you fly from?” He asks curiously, a slight tilt to his head before lowering his mouth to the grass, pulling at the rich, sweet shoots of grass and chewing thoughtfully. 
    (be my escape)


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    RE: Teach these broken wings to fly || Svedka - by Svedka - 05-16-2018, 06:01 AM

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