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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'd be a fool - Nyxa, Brennen, Any
    Quiet as a fish through a creek, his beloved emerged from the dense vegetation some paces behind him. Perhaps that explained her scent being on his mind, a subconscious acknowledgement of her presence, though it was her voice that confirmed the matter. He gave a low nicker of greeting as she returned to his side. "Good morning, lass. Glad you found the path alright" The sea-wolf commented with a smile, kissing the ever-damp skin of her crest affectionately. She must have come straight from the ocean.

     He nodded cautiously as they continued onward.   "I can't think of any reason he wouldn't." He'd only met Brennen once, and that briefly, but he'd gotten the impression that the winged stallion was of the reasonable sort. Still though, the constant touches between his and Nyxa's hips and shoulders were a comfort. They were walking together into an unknown future, one that would be much easier to handle if Brennen didn't mind them sticking around the island.

    Sooner than expected, the scent of the island's new leader grew stronger, cutting through the murky odors of the loam and pungent herbs. A last curve in the path, and he felt Nyxa come to a halt beside him. They must have found him. The thought echoes back to him on the note of his name, returned in a voice as deep as the lagoon. The graceful curves of his ears pricked forward. A slow smile brightened the blind man's features at Brennen's greeting. "Brennen. I've kept to myself, my cove, and the waters surrounding it. Congratulations on your new position." His voice was salt-water roughened, and truthfully still unused to the frequent use required of social niceties. Still, this was important. 

    Bumping his nose to Nyxa's shoulder, he returned his unfocused gaze towards Brennen's direction. "I'd like to introduce you to my mate; Nyxa. We would like to petition you for the right to continue living here in harmony with Ischia's waters." It was a seemingly forthright request. Hod did not enjoy the politics and intrigues involved with kingdom life. His desires were simple ones: live on a warm beach, spend as much time as he could in the water, and make a happy little family with his sweetheart. It didn't feel like too much to ask of life. Whether or not Brennen agreed would be another question. 

    @[Nyxa] @[Brennen]

    Messages In This Thread
    I'd be a fool - Nyxa, Brennen, Any - by Hod - 05-09-2018, 02:38 PM
    RE: I'd be a fool - Nyxa, Brennen, Any - by Nyxa - 05-10-2018, 04:18 PM
    RE: I'd be a fool - Nyxa, Brennen, Any - by Hod - 05-15-2018, 04:11 PM
    RE: I'd be a fool - Nyxa, Brennen, Any - by Nyxa - 05-16-2018, 12:33 PM

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