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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Desolation comes upon the sky // Wishbone+Tahti
    haze like a fever
    i fell like a dreamer for sweet tea and lemonade; it clings to my t-shirt it’s loud and it lingers, designed to suffocate. i light up to find what i’ve known all this time, there’s some beauty here yet
    In truth, Wishbone has both of the qualities Scorch supposes of her — parents who taught her well and a backbone of steel. They are attributes that can work either for or against the Tephra native, depending on whatever mood she might be in (or, more recently, whatever mood Nerine’s weather might be in). Thankfully they work for her on this day, guiding her closer toward Scorch’s good graces unbeknownst to Wishbone herself.

    The strength of her bravery lends her a quick mind and quicker feet on this day. When the twilight-colt flickers into existence, Wishbone’s amber eyes widen slightly. It looks like a kinder version of Queen Hestia’s demon, even with the fangs and menencing build. It also reminds her — yet again — of Khaedrik’s shadow-wolf. A pang quietly presses against her heart at the thought of her childhood friend and his whereabouts. The shadows of the night often seemed to torment the colt and Wishbone certainly hopes he hasn’t succumbed to their slippery, dangerous words.

    Regardless of her previous friendships, the twilight-colt is launching its attack. Tähti is quick to leap away and take flight, her smaller build lending her the agility of a doe. Wishbone isn’t so lucky; although she is slender like her mother, she has long legs and a body a solid year older than her training partner’s. The gruff words of Scorch pierce through her mind, “... work together to overcome the might of a man…”

    The twilight-colt is indeed twisting in the dark filly’s direction, moving to rear as if to knock her out of the sky like a cat to a moth. Wishbone pins her ears into the thickness of her tangled, dark mane and allows a distracting squeal to leave her throat. She charges then, while the colt’s back is turned toward Tähti, and moves to throw the shadow off-balance while his body is rising into a rear.
    credit to eliza of adoxography.

    @[Scorch] / @[Tähti]

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    RE: Desolation comes upon the sky // Wishbone+Tahti - by Wishbone - 05-12-2018, 11:32 PM

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