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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    best have your wits about you [Lepis, Kwartz]
    Bronze-tipped lobes flick to the side as soon as the crunch of dead foliage beneath someone’s hooves betrays their approach. Poll lifts to give aquamarine gaze better vantage point before cranium swivels slightly to the left. Glossy pools focus upon the buttermilk maiden as she draws to a halt. Ears remain forward facing and, onyx stallion does his best to melt away his fatigued expression with the relief her presence brought. She is all right. He has not harmed her, male muses to himself. Of course, he had no clue what the exact terms of her captivity entail but, how could he trust the clown? Dark thoughts are silenced with her gentle greeting and, in return, labrums curve into a soft smile.

    Jesper is about to reply until his lobes catch the approach of yet another. Weight shifts to allow steed to pivot around forelimbs. Jet-black male positions himself between the oncomer and, Lepis, with poll held high in alert. Chassis tenses in anticipation and, smile fades from whiskered lips. As the winged form of Kwartz emerges from the shadows, entire physique relaxes. He had grown, considerably, since their last meeting. His facade bears a maturity that resembles the young male’s parents. His golden and soft purple hues are more prominent, more distinct now. His body language suggests apprehension though, he offers a warm greeting and, onyx steed returns the gesture. Poll bobs in mutual greeting before labrums stretch into a soft smile once more. Sigh of relief flutters out of external nares and, weight shifts as if to shake out the remaining stiffness.

    Following Kwartz’s introduction, Jesper decides it best to speak next. He keeps his volume low and, his tone soft, just in case of an eavesdropper lurking in the shadows. ”I am relieved to see you both physically unmarred. Has Morty hurt either of you?” Aquamarine gaze softens and deepens as he meets Lepis’ slate eyes and, Kwartz’s one dilute hazel eye. He did not remember the boy being blind in one eye; however, he regrets not being closer to him: physically and emotionally. He waits to continue until both reply and finds his facial features tense with concern during this time. He swallows in angst before voice box pipes up again. Jesper was unsure of how much time they had and, he wanted to make sure they knew they were not forgotten. Ladies first. His tone is gentle though, laced with the earnest sincerity he held for her safety. ”Lepis, following my last visit, my comrade and I were able to deliver the news that you are here. Brennen knows. I do not know how long your prison sentence is but, the brotherhood wants to help.”

    Jesper turns to Kwartz and, finds his words easily enough; however, his tone wavers a bit more. He is careful not to sound like he is speaking to a child but, rather, to the handsome stag before him. ”Kwartz, you are becoming such a strong lad. I do not know what Morty intends to do with you but, please, be careful. The clown tried to steal me from Ischia; however, he was unsuccessful. He tried again and, I volunteered as his prisoner. I am here to learn all I can about the new Sylva, no matter the cost.” Poll lowers and, long-lashed eyelids close over orbs as the pain from his most recent encounters resurfaces. Jesper shakes his head to subdue the reminder before he goes on. ”I can tell you from personal experience, Morty cares only about his personal agenda which, is to cause maximum chaos at the sake of sanity. He can not be trusted. When I am released, I will personally see to your rescue. I am sorry your mother failed you, Kwartz. I truly am. There is a place for you with me if you care to join. I would be honored if you would consider it.” Labrums curve into the warmest smile possible as the last words leave his lips. Concluding his warm gesture, Jesper reaches his muzzle out to offer an affectionate bump against the young male’s muzzle. The touch comes from a newfound paternal desire rather than literal affection; a desire he is certain Lavendel is the sole spark of.
    carnage x bethanie

    @[Lepis] @[Kwartz]

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    RE: best have your wits about you [Lepis, Kwartz] - by Jesper - 05-12-2018, 05:25 AM

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