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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Throw it all in my face [{Merida}]

    Our skin gets thicker, living out in the snow


    Merida has always been too quick for him.

    For the longest time he’s suspected it to be an inert power of hers; most of his own abilities came to fruition after maturity had settled. The she-fox is just too spry, too wiry for him to keep up with and so she springs from her hiding place and scurries across his path before he can manage to come to a full stop. The wolf grunts as he digs his claws into the hardened soil, accepting her affectionate lick while simultaneously managing not to step on her.

    “I’m never cold for long.” He smirks, as red-orange sparks dance between his teeth. This fire-fang could cough them up a subtle blaze in no time, if he wished, but the effort wasn’t much worth it and he can see from her expression that Merida is wondering about him. Crevan hadn’t gone looking for her ever, if he remembers right. “Has your mothering instinct kicked in?” He chuckles softly, circling her once before flopping down to work on the ice frozen in between his toes.

    The male shifter is worried about more things, it would seem.

    It hadn’t struck him until just now, and in response his eyes dart to her slender ribs before flicking away again. It seemed only natural that Merida would prefer the company of horses, especially during breeding season - Crevan was pretty sure she had a child once already. He hadn’t wondered much about them splitting apart only to reunite with an extra addition to the party.

    He’d never really thought about how that would make him feel, either.

    “I think I’m … depressed.” He starts with a sigh, finishing his forepaws and dropping his head to rest on his outstretched legs. The usual bravado he wore was unnecessary with his kin so close again; sharing their lives together had given way to trust - and Crevan trusted Merida implicitly. “You’re my sole source of happiness. What will my life become when you go?” He questions harshly, ears straightening themselves as his brow rises so that he can glance at the slender fox.

    “I never consider your comfort. I never consider that there might be someone … something else out there for you.”

    @[Merida] the muse is f l o w i n g

    Messages In This Thread
    Throw it all in my face [{Merida}] - by Crevan - 05-08-2018, 09:31 PM
    RE: Throw it all in my face [{Merida}] - by Crevan - 05-10-2018, 12:46 PM

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