05-08-2018, 08:36 PM
hold me in this wild, wild world
'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
He has no compunctions like the boy does; after he nibbles on Dario’s mane he stays close, already missing the days when the littlest of his children would have pressed up against him. Of course, Khaeli still did and even Grye had a tendency to be cuddly, but they were very different children than the twins, and he suspects that Dario and Drax will continue to grow and mature faster than the others. Perhaps Khaeli won’t, until she has another younger sib to follow her in the spring. And Grye...well...with Grye’s parents, Brennen won’t assume or expect anything of the colt until it happens.
The tone of Dario’s voice, however, sets the smiling stallion on edge, and the grin fades away to a slight frown of concern, which deepens as he continues to explain himself. Drax is...leaving? Already? They aren’t even a year old, and Brennen’s chicks tend to stay in the next longer than usual, not shorter. Some of these thoughts flash through his honey-brown gaze, for Brennen rarely puts on his mask of indifference around his family, but he doesn’t let the depth of his fear show even to Dario. “Dangerous?” he settles on the single-word question after a moment of thought, and lets his voice rumble out with a tilt of his head. “It’s good for you boys to be a little dangerous, to protect yourselves and others.”
When you have as many children as the bay King does, you’ve seen a lot of things. You can try and teach and nurture, mold and structure, but in the end, every child is their own person. But he hasn’t seen the darkest side of his son, perhaps partially because he has chosen not to, but also perhaps because the other children are the ones who have received the worst of Drax’s temper and less friendly habits. But a single word hits him, clicks, and suddenly he is tense all over, and something dangerous rumbles beneath his skin and ignites in his eyes. “You mean he’s going to Sylva?”
No, not all of Brennen’s children are like Brennen. Not all of them have chosen the Brotherhood, or the same values he has chosen, and some of them have done epically stupid things that he still wonders about. But nothing like the rumors he has begun to hear about Sylva.
The tone of Dario’s voice, however, sets the smiling stallion on edge, and the grin fades away to a slight frown of concern, which deepens as he continues to explain himself. Drax is...leaving? Already? They aren’t even a year old, and Brennen’s chicks tend to stay in the next longer than usual, not shorter. Some of these thoughts flash through his honey-brown gaze, for Brennen rarely puts on his mask of indifference around his family, but he doesn’t let the depth of his fear show even to Dario. “Dangerous?” he settles on the single-word question after a moment of thought, and lets his voice rumble out with a tilt of his head. “It’s good for you boys to be a little dangerous, to protect yourselves and others.”
When you have as many children as the bay King does, you’ve seen a lot of things. You can try and teach and nurture, mold and structure, but in the end, every child is their own person. But he hasn’t seen the darkest side of his son, perhaps partially because he has chosen not to, but also perhaps because the other children are the ones who have received the worst of Drax’s temper and less friendly habits. But a single word hits him, clicks, and suddenly he is tense all over, and something dangerous rumbles beneath his skin and ignites in his eyes. “You mean he’s going to Sylva?”
No, not all of Brennen’s children are like Brennen. Not all of them have chosen the Brotherhood, or the same values he has chosen, and some of them have done epically stupid things that he still wonders about. But nothing like the rumors he has begun to hear about Sylva.
hold me in this wild, wild world
and in your heat I feel how cold it can get
and in your heat I feel how cold it can get