04-28-2018, 10:24 PM
The painted woman tried to be patient with him. She tried sitting, and pacing . and sitting around once more, but the splashed woman is pulled by the ebony stallion's scent the moment he steps into Hyaline's safety. As harmless as her attraction had been it did devilish things to her emotions, and the knowledge that he had in fact made it safely out of Sylva and to (her) Hyaline made her heart dance. Lavendel had chased after the stallion and only pulled away from her quest when she saw the nature of his arrival. While it had been her strong point in Sylva, the woman had no business in diplomacy now. So she turned before she could intrude and waited for him to come to her once more.
The milk maned mare isnt found waiting upon the lake's shore line for long. The rippling emerald surface has her attention but the soft notes of Jesper's voice pulls it quickly. He addresses their opalescent queen (for thats what she would always be in Lamb's mind) with a kind smile before his sapphire gaze falls upon her own lithe frame. Her lips crack in a sobbing whisper.
It had been too much seeing Sabra so broken after it all, and to see him here broke her heart. It was a reaffirmation of the trio's greatest fear (Sylva was gone. She was really gone.) , but Lamb was glad it had been him to help her see this. If it had been any other she might have broken, but when Jesper rushes forward and takes her into his embrace the sorrow is replaced with an overwhelming sense of peace and safety.
"Oh I am so happy to see you."
She pulls away only far enough to press gentle kisses upon every part of his face she can reach. Bright blue eyes are filled with worry and glossed with a happiness so profound she could burst.
It is only now after the rush of emotion has only slightly faded that she realizes others could be there (that her mentor was there) but she cant quite fathom embarrassment or shame. They deserved this moment. They deserved to be happy for a time.
The milk maned mare isnt found waiting upon the lake's shore line for long. The rippling emerald surface has her attention but the soft notes of Jesper's voice pulls it quickly. He addresses their opalescent queen (for thats what she would always be in Lamb's mind) with a kind smile before his sapphire gaze falls upon her own lithe frame. Her lips crack in a sobbing whisper.
It had been too much seeing Sabra so broken after it all, and to see him here broke her heart. It was a reaffirmation of the trio's greatest fear (Sylva was gone. She was really gone.) , but Lamb was glad it had been him to help her see this. If it had been any other she might have broken, but when Jesper rushes forward and takes her into his embrace the sorrow is replaced with an overwhelming sense of peace and safety.
"Oh I am so happy to see you."
She pulls away only far enough to press gentle kisses upon every part of his face she can reach. Bright blue eyes are filled with worry and glossed with a happiness so profound she could burst.
It is only now after the rush of emotion has only slightly faded that she realizes others could be there (that her mentor was there) but she cant quite fathom embarrassment or shame. They deserved this moment. They deserved to be happy for a time.
((@[Sabra] @[Jesper]))
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