i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
but my fingers and toes
are shivering beneath these sheets
and i feel so alone
i don't want to die, i want to sleep
The pair introduce themselves, or rather, the woman introduces them both. The stallion's silence is respectable however, and my mind's eye travels back to the little interaction I had with the Loessian king. That would probably have gone better if I'd taken this Krigare's approach to diplomacy... Ah, well, I went into that meeting with the knowledge that we weren't exactly trying to be friends with that kingdom. I happened to just take that information to the next level; Brennen can chastise me if he'd like to, though since Leilan and I reported to him after coming home from that event, he has yet to.
She asks about the mutiny in the politest way possible, and I slip my neutral expression over to Brennen, ears perked for his response. I can't help but smile a little at his drawling words, kind as always. But then he goes on to explain himself, and I lose the smile, remembering the way Ischia had been before the reformation. It is not a time I would ever return to, should I have the choice of it.
"All for one and one for all," I offer quietly, raising my eyes to the familiar-looking mare. Who do I know who looks like her...? But I lose my train of thought as Brennen continues his spiel, casting aside thoughts of wishes and bones and the two somehow strangely tangled up into a single entity. The bay stallion mentions our tie to Nerine, and I nod slightly. Our sister-kingdom; I love the sound of that.
"From what I know of Beqanna, Solace is the daughter of your king Warrick; and she has just sent a Hyalinian child to Nerine, making them allies by blood for a year. So that makes you friends of our friends, and family to the friends of our friends nonetheless." I glance to Brennen, making sure I am not over stepping my bounds before continuing to a final statement. "Thus I believe it would be appropriate to say that, at the least, our kingdoms are friends, too."
Enjoy this shit I guess