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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It costs nothing to dream; hatching/ANY
    She does not know what she had been expecting to hear from him. She has just realized the colt had hatched from an egg, how could he know anything from his parents? It was not like Byrne had known anything about her from during the time she’d carried him. Nothing substantial at least. Amorette is about to mentally facepalm herself when Grye does reply. Not that she is able to tell who the boy’s parents are on the description of their voices, but it is a start. At least Grye would be able to recognize them. Or so she hopes.

    His antics make her smile, and bend her neck to playfully nip at his crest. How could she not? Her motherly instincts are raging, there is nothing more she wants than reunite this boy with his parents. “I can’t say I know who they are, but we will try our hardest to find them, won’t we?” she offers light and easy. Amorette wants him to keep hope, and so does she. If they had truly abandoned him, they wouldn’t have come to visit him while he was still in the egg.

    The ebony woman has to still a chuckle as the golden boy skips away, following him behind closely without a rush in her step. “I am a mother,” she tells him with a smile as she nods her head ever so slightly. “My son is called Byrne, but he didn’t hatch from an egg, darling, you’re rather unique in that matter.” One of the many magical secrets Beqanna has to offer. And she has to admit, the idea of not having to carry a child to full term does sound kind of ideal. Not that Amore had wanted to do it any other way, carrying your own child has something magical too, but damn, she would so not miss the aches that came with it.

    “It does?” she asks, only closing in on Grye and his rock once he plucked a blue and golden feather from the rock. For a moment her eyes focus on it, only to look at Grye with a smile. “That’s a beautiful feather, Grye, you’re lucky to have found it,” she tells him as she lowers her muzzle to reach out to him. Once that’s done, the velvet of her muzzle follows the feather, watching it as the sun casts her light upon it. “Does the feather smell familiar to you too?” It would be sure as well easier to find one if his parents if this blue and golden feather belonged to one of them, it wasn’t a color scheme you saw every day.

    Her dark eyes slowly move to the rock, studying it as she takes a deep breath of air. “The scent is rather fresh, the owner shouldn’t be too far away.” Aka, if this feather did belong to either Grye’s father or mother, they must be close. “Did they visit you every day?” If so, they would sooner or later today notice that the egg has hatched, and Amorette cannot imagine that they wouldn’t try to find their son right away.

    Messages In This Thread
    It costs nothing to dream; hatching/ANY - by Grye - 03-23-2018, 05:04 PM
    RE: It costs nothing to dream; hatching/ANY - by Amorette - 04-22-2018, 05:46 AM

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