I find myself directly below the onlooker. Sweeping my tail in long strides to rise me out of the water farther. The speckled red of his coat is quite interesting to me. I have never seen anything quite like it. He gives his name and I am quick to greet him, "It's nice to meet you too Leilan. I haven't met many others...yet." Endulging in the chance to make small talk, I lean closer.
I look to him with my dazzling eyes. I know nothing of the kingdoms and the structures they conform to. My father had taught me manners and fulency of speech in hopes I would be the diplomatic sorts like him, but I much prefer my adventures. Seemingly so, Leilan does to. A question of how I got here comes forward and I giggle slightly. He is obviously confused of my situation and I do not let on that I can walk. "I came here with Jesper. He found me in Loess and we discovered we are half-siblings. We left to go to his home in Sylva but it had been taken over by something... And now we live here," I give a smile before continuing, "He had some things to take care of though...but that's ok. Now I met you."
Having answered his inquires, I opt for asking of his interests, "Do you like swimming Leilan? My pond is quite nice. If you'd care to join me." Another sweep of my tail and I push off from the edge of the rocky sides. Making my way towards the shimmering falls to rewet my half dried top half...
A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast