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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL
    Jesper notes that no one speaks up after him and, to himself he thinks, just in the nick of time. Nasal caverns pick up the perfume of his sister approaching and, when her warm breath blows gainst his thigh, soft smile pulls at corner of lips. Whiskered muzzle curves around to gently bump her nose out of affection. Ceil blue gaze meets Deiti's light blue orbs before male whispers to her. "The winged bay is Brennen - my grandfather; my mother's dad. He has lived for many years and, is very wise."

    Focus shifts back to his grandsire as his voice resounds through the tepid summer air and, demands attention. Bronze-tipped lobes point forward atop finely chiseled skull to funnel every word into ear canals. Brennen's first request is for volunteers to make inter-kingdom visits. The name Sylva causes ebony equine to cringe with ears flattend to poll and, upper labrum curled in a snarl. He could not bare to see the forest consumed by dishonor and sin but, perhaps, that is all the more reason he should return. Jesper pulls the most sincere tone from his vocal chords and, offers his name in the silence that follows. "I, Jesper, would be happy to travel to Hyaline. As for Sylva, it pains me to see her in this vile state; however, I know the kingdom well. I volunteer myself to deliver our news to the Clown, himself."

    His next request is to brainstorm a pair of names for Nerine and Ischia - a brother and sister kingdom. Jesper gives it some thought; however, does not offer any suggestions just yet. He would be sure to mull it over carefully before making any suggestions. Then, Brennen addresses the gathering on the role women will serve in the future brotherhood. Jesper immediately thinks of the women in his life. Bethanie, his mom, will be remembered as a strong, brave woman who stood up and fought for the right reasons. She also gave everything she had to deliver him into Beqanna. Sabra, former Queen of Sylva, who is independent, sassy and, a nurturing woman. Deiti, his newly discovered sister, who is unsure of who she is and, where she belongs but, jumped to his own defense. She certainly had a hidden strength within her. Lastly, there is Lamb. So sweet and, so innocent. For a moment, he wonders where she is and, wishes to rest his eyes upon her gentle features and, hug her as he should have done the first time they spoke. Poll tosses to rid daydream from his thoughts before Jesper voices his thoughts where women should rank. "I feel as though women should be given the same opportunities as men to prove themselves worthy. Perhaps, we allow men and women to audition for their desired caste? The audition could consist of a series of trials in which participants challenge themselves and, put their skills on display."

    Next, Brennen asks for a code collaborated by the group's morals. Jesper decides to speak from his heart and, puts his thoughts into words. "I value family above all else." Genuine smile pulls lips upwards as light blue gaze matches grandsire's honey orbs. "To that same extent, I will consider anyone who is loyal to the Brotherhood, my family. Loyalty is key. Having seen what evil can do, I will not tolerate rape or, murder." A somber expression comes over facade and, with that, onyx steed falls silent. Lastly, Brennen asks for everyone to express what contribution they will make to the Brotherhood. Jesper does not hesitate. "I will contribute to the Brotherhood in every way that I can. I am most interested in specializing in the warrior caste and, if an opportunity to specialize in intelligence becomes available, I would greatly appreciate being considered." Feeling as though he had addressed all of the topics, Jesper sinks back and listens to everyone else.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Krone - 04-13-2018, 11:26 AM
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Krone - 04-13-2018, 02:28 PM
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Jesper - 04-16-2018, 02:14 PM

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