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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    drink thy poison lightly dear; any
    The heat of the summer night taints me with patches of perspiration, my shoulders, just behind my armpits and the tender flesh beyond my plume. The moist earth attracts me, needles and crushed leaves stuck to me as I turn, rolling slightly into the cool, refreshing earth. Mother would have hated it, the ash, the dirt, the blackness. She was a sunset mare, through and through. Even at the very end, she had tried to reach for the sun. I'm a world full of darkness that was an impossible task.

    I had lost all sense of it all; the earth felt cool against my skin, the quivers of nightly breeze now gone, feeling nothing but the stagnant air. That made my lungs full of arid air. My nostrils flared, flanks rising and falling. Peppered skin throbbing with veins. Oh, I looked a mess, an earthy and forgotten mess. And for now in the midnight hour. I revelled in it all.

    The silence is deafening; the Ravens caw above breaking the stillness. My sapphire gaze rolls to the heavens but my head still remains against the leafy pillow mounds. I sigh, it rolls through my shoulders and reverberates through my spine. When I look up, the shadows leak a presence, reddish bay, earthy, like crisp autumn leaves. He weaves his presence ever near. I'm about to move, to shift back to my feet -- I cannot lounge infront of him, a soldier to the end, mind always ticking over. I could not laze on his presence. My damp eyes still swell with tears and I choke back the urge to cry out into the night.

    He's down beside me, warm and real. His heartbeat resonating louder than even Atrox's in my eardrums. As his head laid across my neck, his pulse merged with my own. I felt the leakage of saline threaten once more but I tightly sealed them shut. No more tears will fall, not before Killdare. He has already seen my Mask discarded and thrown, broken in pieces in the floor. I don't know how much more rawness he could see.

    'Stay.' I say, my lips quivering against the word. He is hot against my already tepid frame, but it's that realness that warmth of life that separates nightmare from reality. And the warmth it was thawing my numbed insides.

    'Stay.' I say again, nestling my head in the book of his chest cavity. Warm, safe. I plead with twinkling gem eyes, before closing them and revelling in nothing but the stillness and the the the thudding of Killdare's heart. Of course, he had one somewhere in that body of his. And tonight, tonight I was grateful it were him that found me and no one else.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: drink thy poison lightly dear; any - by Engelsfors - 07-14-2015, 03:11 AM
    RE: drink thy poison lightly dear; any - by Call - 07-21-2015, 05:32 PM

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