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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Out with the golden we sew // Solace


    Solace had little experience with lovers, but Kagerus' wandering gaze makes her intentions clear, even for Solace in this uncharted territory. She remains silent as Kagerus' heated touch is tracing the line and curves of her new body; leaving a trail of goosebumps and blue light and adding weight to each of her words. 

    Then her palm is pressing into Solace's hip-bone, and her fingertips alighting on the fulness beyond. With a possessive grasp, her hips are being pulled forward and panic flairs, hot and fast in her chest. She closes her eyes as she feels Castile on top of her again, inescapable and expanding.  

    "Wait," she breathes as she takes a moment to remind herself that she is safe here, with this woman. And right on cue, Kaguers is reassuring her with a  voice melodic and addictive in a way Solace had never fully realized before. "This is the best way I know how to thank you. To show you that... I care about you." The unpleasant sensation fades, quickly replaced with a warm glow, an ache in her belly, and she opens her eyes to find Kagerus' burning gaze.  

    "I care about you, Solace. More than you know." Unintentionally her eyes sink to watch the way Kageru's supple, rose-bud lips form each word- and the heaviness in her tone is Solace's undoing. 

    Her new body responds to the others touch and Solace struggles to catch her breath as she experiences each new sensation under the exploration of Kagerus' fingertips. She relaxes, allowing her hips to be pulled forward and her knees to splay.Their bellies meet, and Solace lets her gaze sink lower. With a gentle touch, she brushes away the auburn hair which falls over Kagerus shoulder, afterward letting her hand glide down the length of the other's arm to grasp Kagerus' wrist.  

    "I don't know what I'm doing," she confesses, but her eyes are already closing as she does, and her lips find the welcoming softness of Kagerus' own. Behind her lids, there is a flash of light as she finally tastes her - and between her legs, an unbearable heat is growing. She melts into the kiss and she presses every inch of herself onto Kagerus.

    She doesn't care that this woman has been here before, with others - it is too late to care now. Her face burns and her head feels as if it floating, and a need has been awakened. Solace pulls Kagerus' lower lip between her teeth returns one of Kagerus' hands to her collarbone, dragging pressing the other's pale fingers into her skin.

    "I want you to leave a mark." She gasps between kisses as the force of her grasp digs Kagerus' nails into her delicate, white skin. "I want you to make me yours." 

    caretaker of hyaline


    Messages In This Thread
    Out with the golden we sew // Solace - by Kagerus - 03-29-2018, 04:52 PM
    RE: Out with the golden we sew // Solace - by Solace - 04-11-2018, 07:29 PM

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