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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quand on n'a que l'amour - Arden, any

    ”Yes, your brother” she confirms with a smile.

    Amorette does not wait for Arden to follow her, she knows that the girl will come lang. She simply is unable to ignore the pull her firstborn child has on her. She wants him, and needs him, at her side. Right now.

    They meet half way and instantly Amorette drops her head to nuzzle the golden boy, avoiding the flames that lick his crest. She is not scared of them – on contrary, she is secretly thrilled that he inherited this part of Levi – but she knowns first hand that they can hurt. ”Hey sweetheart” she mumbles softly, lovingly kissing his cheek next. ”What did you find today?” Amore knows her son, and thus she knows that there is something he must want to share with her.

    Her gaze follows Byrne’s after their greeting, smiling at the bay and pink Arden tucked safely against her other side. Bending her neck Amorette gently bumps the filly’s rump to encourage her. It seems enough encouragement for Arden to gather enough courage to speak up, shyly greeting the equally as shy Byrne. The ebony mare has to stop herself from chuckling, instead forcing herself to watch the two children interact.

    ”Say hi to your sister, Byrne.” That is all she says. Oh, she wants to say so much more. She wants them to get along – though she is not oblivious to the sibling quarrels that will follow – but she knows to not push them. They had to like one another on their own accord, and not because she tells them to. And she hopes, with whole her heart, that they are aware that she has plenty of love to give, enough for both of them.


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.

    Sorry for the wait loves <3

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    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - Arden, any - by Amorette - 04-06-2018, 02:27 PM

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