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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi]

    It is one of the more rare sunny days. Tephra was known to be misty and clouded, they kept the land warm. Like always, all is green, from the lush grass to the sapling trees, but even here the spring is in the air. Something which Amorette is enjoying, as the sun warms her dark back. The children – yes, children – are nearby, and Amore is watching both Byrne and Arden with a half eye.

    Hearing her name being called makes her ears flick back first, locating the sound, and then her gaze follows. She does not need to see him in order to know who is approaching. Amore had expected him to come sooner or later, though her – futile? – hope was definitely waging on sooner. Her dark eyes study the big bay’s features as he greets their son, a small smile on her lips. But how would he react to Arden’s presence? Would he even notice her, or perhaps think she was just one of Byrne’s playmates?

    She meets his odd gaze with a small frown, her head tilted a little to the side. ”Go where? I can’t le-“ Something in his gaze cuts her off mid-sentence. She had meant to say that she couldn’t leave her children, but Amorette simply cannot ignore the pained look upon his features or the panic in his eyes, though both are well hidden. ”Give me a moment” she murmurs to him, then turning to both Byrne and Arden.

    She definitely wasn’t going to take them with her, but neither would she leave them unguarded. And there was only one other she would entrust their care to. With a soft mumbled apology and a thank you they are off.

    The longer Levi stay’s silent, the more anxious she becomes. What happened that had him panic like this? It surely couldn’t be good. The longer the silence last, the wilder her imaginations run, the next even darker than its processor. And when he does spill, his words force her into a stop. Kolera. The bay mare hadn’t really been on her mind lately – only Byrne had been – but how could she have forgotten? There was only one explanation to Levi’s absence following the days of Byrne’s birth. The realisation is like a slap in her face.

    She is slow to catch up again, and not only because he is much taller compared to her own petite frame. Amorette bites back the sting, ignoring her own pain and needs. Never had her own feelings been important, and she cannot allow them to interfere with her duty now. Not when someone needs her. ”Where is she?” she asks curtly, her ears flicking back and eyes refusing to meet Levi’s.

    He shows her the way to Kolera. She tries to ignore his ease in finding the place, telling herself that he just must know the forest very well. Even before the bay mare is revealed to her eyes, she can already smell the blood. It is enough to push Amorette forward, eyes widening at the sight. The déjà vu hits her as a second slap in her face. She had found Kolera’s mother Karaugh just like this.

    Her throat tightens, a big lump blocking it. ”K-kolera?” is the soft whisper that comes from her lips as she wills herself forward. By then Levi is long gone. Gone and left them both this time. Worry holds her in its grasp, her muzzle softly on Kolera’s cheek. She nudges again, and again, but never does the mare respond. Her breathing is faint, too faint, and it is getting weaker with each breath.

    Not getting a response does nothing to ease her worries, they only spike. Tephra’s fire healer moves her muzzle along Kolera’s body, lingering on her stomach. Childbirth complications. Far as Amorette knew the cause of Karaugh’s death. Her teeth grind together, and ears press back against her skull. Healing visible wounds was one thing, but never before had Amore attempted to heal intern damage like Kolera’s ruptured uterus. Insecurity of her own skill ánd worry for her friend’s life gnaw at her.

    Their only result: even further limiting Kolera’s chances on survival.

    The time between Kolera’s breaths becomes even longer, and only when Amorette thinks that the bay woman is no longer breathing, she gets pulled out of her haze. No more time to hesitate. With closed eyes Amore pushes her dark muzzle against Kolera’s barrel, willing the flames to burn inside the mare’s belly. With no oxygen to fuel them – not that they normally linger long – they burn short, though intently. The tear is mend, stopping further blood loss. Amore knows she is not yet done, and although she is exhausted, she gives more of herself in an attempt to save Kolera.

    By the time she is done, her legs are trembling. She no longer has the energy to keep herself up, and thus she goes to the ground. The ebony woman forces herself to keep sitting up, though her eyes are only half open and her muzzle is resting in the dirt. Like that Amorette keeps an eye on her patient, glad to see her breathing sturdier than before. She had restored a minimal amount of blood in Kolera’s veins, just enough to make sure she’d survive, and also not too much to prevent herself from blacking out. That would do nobody any good.


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.

    @[Neo] @[Lavender]

    Messages In This Thread
    In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Kolera - 03-22-2018, 08:42 PM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Levi - 03-24-2018, 08:40 AM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Kolera - 03-24-2018, 09:39 AM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Levi - 03-27-2018, 04:21 PM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Amorette - 03-31-2018, 07:47 AM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Kolera - 04-10-2018, 08:19 PM
    RE: In the Beginning [Birthing, Levi] - by Zain - 04-14-2018, 12:26 PM

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