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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  hold me in this wild, wild world; Scorch

    She watches the two glimmer with the same eagerness that she feels. It sparks something. At her first words Scorch disagrees. But then, no one has ever been on full agreement. And Hestia likes that. Likes that they can have different ideas and still get along. That their end vision is the same, and the results they desire they both will strive for working together to make it happen. She is grateful for Scorch to be at her side, and her dedication to inspiring the people to move forward. Just as she is grateful of the others who’ve surrounded her and hold her up. Helping her in making Nerine into a worthy nation once more. We are Scorch. She quirks a smile at the other mare almost laughing at the her quip over more titles. Yes, Scorch and her titles. Then Brennen adds and Hestia’s smile twitches a little wider. True that.

    She nods in agreement with his statement. Yes, it would help to remind the brothers and sisters of the bonds they need to hold with one another if they decided on matching titles. She tucks this idea away for later. It is something to think on. Maybe she will bring it up in the next meeting. Have some of them begin to muse over ideas for this. With his agreement Hestia’s eyes sparkle. Yes, call on us when you plan to vote and I will ask my officials who of them are willing to be present. Their presence could help throw the vote in your favor. She looks to Scorch wondering if she knows of anyone also willing to be a part of this. He moves on to talk of the raid as it is a last resort, but it is a last resort that they should be prepared for. While we do have warriors. I will also inquire as to who of them are willing to participate should it come to that.

    She pauses listening to the other two speak. They will need to settle an alliance. But that should wait until Brennen is on the throne. She whisks her tail against her hind quarters. Letting them lead the conversation. Only pitching in where she knows she can be of help.


    The devil whispered in my ear, you’ll never survive the storm
    I whispered back, I am the storm

    Love the idea of matching titles! I’ll post it in the kingdom meeting. Maybe someone will have an idea. I’ve not had time to think of any. Lol.
    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

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    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; Scorch - by Hestia - 03-28-2018, 06:36 PM

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