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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Who I am, Who I'm not [any]
    Concern floods her at the sight of Wichita's tear-stained face. Something is terribly, terribly wrong. She gently strokes the mare's cheek, trying to comfort her. And then Wichita begins to speak.

    When the mare finally reveals the truth, Fiasko is horrified. A stallion had forced himself on her.

    She’s frozen for a moment in shock. Who would do such a thing? And to Wichita? The silver mare is one of the sweetest, gentlest, kindest creatures she’s ever met. It’s horrible to think that any one would ever dream of hurting her, let alone … well, do this.

    She forces herself to pull together. Wichita is pain right now. She needs her. “Oh Wichita …” She presses her muzzle gently against the mares cheek. What can she even say? “I’m so, so sorry.” She feels like a failure. As a queen she should be able to protect her people, to keep them safe. She should have sent someone to accompany Wichita to the Chamber - if she had, maybe this would have never happened.

    She remains there, silently, trying her best to be some comfort. Nothing she could ever say will make this right, make this better, but she can at least be there for the poor mare.

    Part of her wishes that she could offer some sort of vengeance here. No stallion like that should be able to get away without repercussions. But the Gates is weak. She is weak. The stallion would likely do more damage to them, than they could ever do to him. “I-is there anything can do?”

    i'm still waiting for the world to end

    I am so, so sorry for the horrendous wait. Sad
    Also I've not forgotten Osyva! Fiasko's just distracted by poor Wichita at the moment Tongue

    Messages In This Thread
    Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Wichita - 06-20-2015, 03:45 PM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Osyva - 06-24-2015, 12:36 PM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Wichita - 06-24-2015, 06:12 PM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Fiasko - 06-25-2015, 04:13 PM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Osyva - 06-30-2015, 12:37 AM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Wichita - 06-30-2015, 07:52 AM
    RE: Who I am, Who I'm not [any] - by Fiasko - 07-13-2015, 02:32 AM

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