When the others stance had grown tense at his voice, he knew it had not been Sabra. Even when he had been a stranger to the land, Sabra had not been alerted by his presence. His motion had stilled as he watched the ghostly form come towards him. Seemingly easier but still on edge. Amber eyes studied their form for familiarity but it was her voice that sparked knowing in him. "Nymf?!" His words less questioning this time.
Soon the moonlight luminated her features and he was certain it was her. A smile curls his lips at the pleasant surprise, "Well I'll not assume you chose Sylva for any other reason than it's beauty." He muses happily. With a slight bow of his heavy head he welcomes her, "Sylva is happy to have you. You should rest here for the evening... It is much too dangerous for you to travel alone at night." Quick to be the voice of reason but not letting on he had his own agenda. Often he found himself longing the company of another for no other reason than not being alone.
Unconditional Love