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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    searching for myself
    Dear Mr. Finley (“Mr. Finley” = referring to John Finley; author of “The Hoosier’s Nest” which is considered one of the first places where Hoosier refers to Indiana),

    My brother and I just read your poem in class (“your poem” = Mr. Finley’s Poem; search “Finley’s poem” in google and, first hit is “The Hoosier’s Nest”; reference to Indiana). Our names are Devon and Ian (“Devon and Ian” = Devonian period; is the period Tioga Bentonite dates back to). We are learning how to rhyme, like this:

    Deep, down under the bay (“bay” = Warrick is a bay; Warrick clue #1),
    Something lurks both night and day.
    The darkness soon comes to light
    With a fire so bright.
    The broken pieces burst up high (“broken pieces burst up high” = fragments ejecting; Tephra clue #1)
    Until gravity pulls them from the sky (Really all six of these lines describe a volcano erupting).

    Yesterday, Mr. Bentonite (our teacher) let us wear Tiogas for Spirit day (“Bentonite Tioga/Tioga Bentonite” = type into Google “Bentonite Tioga”. Google suggests Tioga Bentonite. First result is a research paper which states: “The Tioga Bentonite is the best known, widespread, sedimentary accumulation of volcanic ash”. Volcanic ash = Tephra, clue #2)! Mom would not let us wear them to bed (“bed” = Tioga Bentonite is found in the Tioga Bentonite bed). We live in Boonville (“Boonville” = Boonville is a city in Boon Township, in Warrick County, Indiana; hence why the Indiana context clues; Warrick clue #2). Devon’s favorite animal is an eagle because they have big wings (“wings” = Warrick has wings; Warrick clue #3); they also have big talons (“talons” = synonym for claws; Longclaw clue #1)! Ian’s favorite animal is a Betta fish because they can breathe underwater. We have a blue Betta named Fire (either “blue” or “Fire” = if blue, Longclaw is a blue roan. If fire, Longclaw has White Fire Manipulation; Longclaw clue #2). We hope he lives a really, long time (“long” = long is first half of Longclaw; Longclaw clue #3)!

    Devon and Ian

    Warrick, ding!
    Tephra, ding!
    Longclaw, ding!

    Excellent team work, Tephra! I shall try not to be as vague with my next one Wink <3 Jesper

    Messages In This Thread
    searching for myself - by Jesper - 03-21-2018, 11:12 AM
    RE: searching for myself - by Dagny and Olivier - 03-22-2018, 08:37 PM
    RE: searching for myself - by Jesper - 03-22-2018, 08:46 PM

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