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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pharate - waiting to emerge
    so you wanna play with magic?

    She closes her eyes for a quick second in the soft, gentle manner that one does when they are relaxing after hearing an answer that pleases them. "Yes, we do." she says simply, her voice hushed and quiet. And it's true, she knows – the Deserts needs every horse, every mare and every stallion, even every one of its foals. That's how a kingdom grows strong. Pevensie is no exception.

    But whether Camrynn feels relief that Pevensie intends to stay, or simply relief that the question is finally settled, Camrynn cannot say. But it is relief nonetheless, flooding through her and over her like a tidal wave. No doubt, Camrynn could have ruled alone – perhaps one day, she will, either in the Deserts or elsewhere. She does not fear that moment of solo rule, that moment when she is ultimately responsible, singlehandedly, for the lives of her subjects. She has never feared responsibility. But perhaps she knows that in this place, here in the Deserts, Pevensie is a necessary part of the equation.

    Perhaps, perhaps not.

    Perhaps she just has a strange affection for the pony mare. There's no doubt that she is closer to Pevensie than to most; she's grown to respect Yael in her own way, but with Pevensie it's more than respect. She's been willing to meddle, to tamper in ways she'd never usually do when asked. It's because of Camrynn's meddling that Pevensie and Hurricane had been so immediately attracted. It's because of her that they'd fallen so quickly and so completely into love, and because of that attraction had conceived a child. But she hadn't set that up out of any kind of spite or malice – rather, she'd done it because she felt Pevensie's sadness, felt the mare's colossal aloneness, and felt a need to do something about it.

    It was, quite arguably, an act of friendship, of love, of kindness, not the kind of thing Camrynn is historically known for.

    Camrynn smiles, both at her co-queen and at Yael. She isn't an idiot; she understands that the gold-mare's silent presence means something, and that it likely isn't wordless support. She doesn't dare pry into Yael's head, so she can't confirm her suspicions, but at best, she's certain that Yael is quite keen to have Pevensie remain queen here in the Deserts. Why else would Yael be just as anxious as Cam to hear what Pevensie has to say? Why else would she be silent, not rendering any kind of opinion?

    And if Yael is anxious to have Pevensie remain as queen, Camrynn can think of only so many reasons why.

    But, interestingly enough, it doesn't bother her. At all. She's never much cared whether others trust her or not, so long as she's able to make happen whatever it is she needs to make happen. And Yael has never second guessed anything she's suggested, nor been anything but helpful. So why should she be bothered if the once-queen still dislikes and distrusts her? The key question at the end of the day is not whether Cam gained Yael's trust, or Pevensie's, or anyone's, for that matter. It's whether the Deserts is or is not better off because of her being there. And at least for the time being, she believes the answer is an easy yes.

    "I think it would be best to wait until after the event is over, and our borders are our own again." she adds, after Pevensie has spoken. The tournament is almost ready to start, ironically timed considering the changes that had come to Beqanna, but there's little to be done about that. It would be interesting to see how these changes were playing in the other kingdoms. In particular, it could have interesting impacts on alliances.
    co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

    Messages In This Thread
    pharate - waiting to emerge - by Beqanna Fairy - 06-30-2015, 04:35 PM
    RE: pharate - waiting to emerge - by Camrynn - 07-01-2015, 10:15 AM
    RE: pharate - waiting to emerge - by Yael - 07-02-2015, 01:26 PM
    RE: pharate - waiting to emerge - by Pevensie - 07-06-2015, 02:44 PM
    RE: pharate - waiting to emerge - by Camrynn - 07-12-2015, 03:13 PM
    RE: pharate - waiting to emerge - by Yael - 07-19-2015, 02:25 PM

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