Kromium & Karat
The twins had not been gifted flight. Even though both their parents have wings, they did not. So leaving the island was tricky and unknown to them, until now. Mother had instructed them to wait until a precise time. Upon the beaches the waited. Watching for the waters to lower and a bridge of land to form. They danced with excitement at this discovery, though maybe their mother should have left it remain a secret. Now what was stopping them from venturing out on their own accord...?
Walking took forever and Krom was just getting used to the weight of his metallic hooves. The muscles in his legs and body gaining mass quickly as they compensated for the change. Mother said it was normal that his body was slowly turning silver, but he had doubts. Even his father seemed concerned. Karat wasnt slowly morphing into a iron casting, so why was he...
Karat pranced along behind her mother. The new lands brought promises of new treasures. Ones she could manipulate and decorate her body with. With father's help she was getting a hang of her own powers. They didn't just share the unique lavender coloring that seemed common in their home, but also the gift of natural armor. Bouncing along she begins chattering, "Where we going Mother?" All she would reveal is they were meeting someone. A tiny huff puffed from her chest as they continued along.
It seemed like ages but finally there was a bright glow ahead of them. They both looked on in awe at the magical land. It was so different than their own home. The trees held small individual leaves with many heights and pointy branches. Rocky beds lined a small stream of glistening water, home only ever had sand. Small eyes dashed about and in their looking they both settle of a pair of winged equines just a head of them. They both stand beside their mother and watch the figures near. Soon they are standing face to face and the twins watch the spotted purple colt. He addresses mother as Aunt Krone. The turn to glance at each other in confusion. Their attention drawn back when he is speaking to them. Karat raises her head proudly with a slight turn, "I am Karat. Princess of Ischia and this is my brother, Prince Kromium..." She tries her hardest to sound important. Barely noticing the adults slipping away and leaving them to play.
Krom turns his emerald eyes to the colt. He wasn't as impressed with the titles as Karat was, "Don't mind her... You can call me Krom." He smiles their new friend. Moving forwards, he greets the boy with an extended muzzle. His eyes admiring the purple and gold wings at Kwartz sides, "I wish I had wings like you." His shiny hooves shuffle in the dirt. He tried his best to mask their appearance whenever possible. It was slightly embarrassing still to him. Karat is quick to chime in as well, "You have purple just like me! Father said that all the purple horses are related... Is your father purple?... I bet he has wings too. Our mom and dad have wings but neither of us do. That's kind of weird, right?" Her thoughts ramble into words suddenly but not surprisingly.
Blood is Thicker than Water