She had taken a few days to settle in after her tour with Scorch, and been happy to have Sochi seem to get along quite well with Scorch’s daughter Philomena. And it is peaceful here, with the constant sound of waves on the rocky shore, even now in the dead of winter. The caves offer plenty of shelter, and the grasses atop the dunes are somehow both salty and sweet. She hasn’t met anyone else yet, though she has smiled at a few from a distance, like ships passing in the night.
But enough time has passed, that she thinks it is time to seek the Queen, as Scorch had suggested. And the grulla mare knows her new friend was right; if she is to be happy, to find a purpose here, she must let the Queen know of all of her skills, and put them to use. So she leaves Sochi to play with her friend, and goes looking for the black queen with the green eyes (which is all she knows of Hestia, this description she has gotten).
So she leaves her cave, hooves nearly silent even over the rocks, and slips along the cliff face in the sand, up to the dunes, and then further, seeking high vantage points to look at the Kingdom spread out below her – but then always down into a valley or a nook between cliffs, and then another climb. Finally upon one high point, she spots her quarry and changes directions, approaching the Queen with a polite nicker. Not for the first time, Sloene wishes her winter coat weren’t so…fluffy. It’s nice because she’s not cold, but even the most thorough grooming routines don’t prevent her from looking a little shabby.
But she stretches to her full (not very tall) height, and gives a nod of her head before meeting the mare’s green eyes with her own silver. “Queen Hestia?” she offers, and waits for confirmation from the other mare before continuing. “My name is Sloene. I’ve recently been brought to live here by Scorch, and she recommended I seek you out, to discuss my role in Nerine,” her voice is pleasant, almost lyrical, and she waits for a response before she considers disclosing what talents have led Scorch to suggest she introduce herself to the Queen.