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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Lights will lead into the night with me [Michaelis]
    i counted the stars tonight, i gathered them all
    She’s tiny, but under Caw’s caring and watchful mothering she is growing stronger, healthier, still petite, but no longer is her hair lank and thin nor bony structure jutting every which way. There is a residual feralness that Caw hasn’t yet conquered, she still jumps at many sounds, and movements. Sometimes with a snap of her teeth… or two, but she’s becoming more civil and that’s really all that matters. She has his roaning, only her’s is a rich shade of red that came from her mother. Her father inherited his roaning, in fact if she had known what her father looked like she might have mistaken them for the same horse. Other than the yellow eye. Then again strange eye color seems to run in her family tree, her own pale ones reflect this fact in a chilling manner.

    Tonight she’s wrapped herself in her camouflage, secreting away from Caw for a moment alone. The 2 year old is not used to this, the constant companionship of others. Sometimes it bothers her and she wishes to just crawl back into the bed she’d woken into this nightmare from. Tonight is one such night. She glares into the darkness with a boiling intensity. Her horn projecting a soft glow she does not realize. If anyone sees her, there is no way they would be able to focus on her long enough to believe it to be anything more than an aberration. Briefly she glances to the stars before flitting her gaze to something… anything else. Its then that she sees him. Her soft hoof falls stop immediately, the tendrils are tantalizing to look upon. She sees them move excitedly reaching for all that surrounds him. She looks on, waiting for something to happen, and when nothing does she moves on, slipping past him as best she can with such thin control of her abilities.

    She stays far from the middle of the meadow, where Caw likes to spend the evenings safely among a group of homeless. Her lip curls every time she thinks of this. She thinks of the offer of two fathers, of a mother, and siblings. She thinks on how much her life is changing, and how she’d much rather be back in her snug little nest safely tucked away from the world and these complex, rather idiotic conventions. Without knowing it her hooves carry her to a cluster of trees and brush a fair distance away, but close enough that she can slip back before becoming amiss. Out there is so exposed, so easily caught, here though the land has an inviting warmth for her, securing her in its clutches. Here she feels safe enough to let the camouflage fall from her
    so will you hold cause time is cold
    but in your soul im standing by

    [Image: s3dc3d.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    Lights will lead into the night with me [Michaelis] - by Oricle - 03-08-2018, 10:00 AM

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