Breckin. The names Ischia and Nerine do not mean anything to me. The strangers words are spoken blandly in contrast to the way her blue eyes stare at the pair of recruiters. Scorch cannot fault her open gawking, however - as Brennen had said, some carry far stranger magics, even than she. Hell, her magic was barely anything to begin with. She imagined Brennen summoning a skeleton army at this exact moment, and a secret smile crawled across her mouth, ears twitching to listen to the stallion explain Beqanna as well as Ischia.
The mare's turn came soon enough, and she met Brennen's glance which signaled this fact before turning to the beautiful knabstrupper strewn across the grassy floor.
"Nerine is a kingdom the same as Ischia, as Brennen said, but we function differently. Every kingdom does - politically and in structure." A cool breeze buffets the trio then, warning them that the storm approached quickly. Time ran short for this mare to choose - well, she could take her time, but the walk to whichever home she chose would not be pleasant.
"Nerine holds the ideology that loyalty and camaraderie between members is superior to individual progress within the ranks - ranks being positions within the peace or war caste, which would be the aspects of servitude that Brennen mentioned. " Her molten gaze flickers to him momentarily before continuing. "One might call us a sisterhood, and a brotherhood. We are interested in building something stronger than many strangers gathered in one land."
Hoping that her words would be well received (she had spoken with a calm assuredness, for she was calm and assured - but her appearance often caused her to come off as far more brusque than she intended), Scorch gazed evenly down at Breckin. She could see this mare absolutely blossoming in Nerine, finding her footing in Beqanna with a kingdom of close knit members to support her and guide her on a fruitful path. There was an Amazon inside this mare - one that Scorch longed to bring to life, wind on the embers that were Breckin.
Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle